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Friday, May 06, 2005 

Yes , over the line, most Definately

This is just amazing what double standards the liberals have. I refuse to call them democrates as Harry Truman is rolling over in his grave wanting to get a shot at these (for lack of another word) Morons. Isn't it totally amazing the double standard they have. If you say anything that might be considered derogatory you are over the line and need to resign immediately for your lack of thought. However they can stand around , say anything, and I mean anything (Whoopi Goldberg prime example followed by Robbin Williams), just look what Senator Reid has now said,

LESSON IN POLITICS: Reid calls president 'loser'
Sen. Harry Reid
In the course of a discussion on filibusters and Senate rules, Washington's top Democrat gave the 60 juniors a lesson in partisan politics, particularly about the commander in chief. "The man's father is a wonderful human being," Reid said in response to a question about President Bush's policies. "I think this guy is a loser. "I think President Bush is doing a bad job," he added to a handful of chuckles. "He's driving this country into bankruptcy," Reid said, referring to the deficit. "He's got us in this intractable war in Iraq where we now have about 1,600 American soldiers dead and another 15,000 injured." Republican National Communications Director Brian Jones issued a statement calling the senator's comments "a sad development but not surprising from the leader of a party devoid of optimism, ideas or solutions to the issues people care about most." After the statement was released, Reid phoned the Review-Journal to acknowledge he thought he crossed the line. "You know the president is in Europe, probably sleeping," Reid said in an interview this afternoon. "But I called (Karl) Rove and apologized for what I said."

Oh sure he called in an apology but threw in another low shot as he did. Hey Senator he probaly was asleep think about the time differance buddy. Oh hell, enough of the P.C.
Hey Senator why don't you pull your head out of Hillary's butt, grow some cajones. Put forth some common sense proposals, and show us some leadership. Instead of running lip service to the extremist that now run the Democratic party. Quit talking about the job and do the job you worthless beaurocrat!!!!!!!!!

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  • I'm Devious Mind
  • From Denver, Colorado, United States
  • Good judgemnt comes from experiance. Experiance comes from bad judgement. Karma, its a bitch.
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