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Wednesday, July 06, 2005 

Why I don't socialize

You would think that after 40 plus years some people would be mature and adult. However that is far from the case. One would also think that you could take a person at their word. Once again not so.
I will always give a person the benefit of the doubt. If you say something I will take you for your word. If you lie to me I will never believe anything you say ever again. I think this is fair. I tend to find that the vast majority of people will lie to save themselves embarrassment. This is funny in it's self as embarrassment only lasts a few minutes really. However many can not handle even a second of this as they have a fragile ego. But to be healthy one needs to be able to laugh at themselves.
Case in point, I had , and I say had because I will no longer put up with his adolescent behavior when he is called on something and runs away, friend. Now I use this term friend very loosely. Once again I was giving him the benefit of the doubt and taking him for his word on things. In reality he was no more then a person I work with and need to keep an eye on as he has a very childish streak in him and I have seen him do the old proverbial backstabbing. I will call him for the sake of anonymity Bdo.
Now the reason I blog on this today is the fact he approached me some time ago and asked me to do him a favor. I agreed. Now that favor was a simple one. Go onto his website and post messages on his board to keep things heated up. A simple enough thing to do seeing how it was a sports website related to a sports radio show. I happened recently to listen and found many of the things he was insinuating and saying to be not at all funny and close to insulting. Now I am by no means a political correct person, however I do know the difference between saying things in a private conversation and in public. I called him on this and now he , well to be more precise this morning acted like a little child who had been told he was grounded.
I am very amused at this, but not at the fact he thinks I am a racist. My sudden new title of being a racist comes from the fact I pointed out how he perpetuates the myth that only white males are racist by only using the KKK as examples of racism and stupidity. I called him about that and said he could stop perpetuating this myth by using other examples. Now to my surprise he said he was trying to be funny. Racism is nothing to joke about.
The term racist is tossed carelessly around much as the term fascist is. With no real implication given as to the consequences of the definition being applied and the stigma of it. I will state now for the record I am an equal opportunity hater. If you are an ass$%^^# then I will say so it makes no difference to me what race , color or religion you are.
The next thing I was going to call him on was the fact he always claims to research things, but if you find a fact he is wrong on or , again benefit of the doubt, ignorant of. All of a sudden he gets testy because you have corrected him.
Bottom line on this ..... I tried to do him a favor , I am now a racist because of it. See why I am an equal opportunity hater.

About me

  • I'm Devious Mind
  • From Denver, Colorado, United States
  • Good judgemnt comes from experiance. Experiance comes from bad judgement. Karma, its a bitch.
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