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Thursday, March 30, 2006 

We are American Not racist

The smear merchants and extremist who support the invasion of this country by those who want to thumb their noses at AMERICAN LAW, can do nothing but resort to LIES, HALF TRUTHS, AND HATE SPEACH.

Overwhelming Americans want something done about the riseing tide of those who are INVADING this country. Americans want the laws of America enforced. If you enter this country illegally by running the boarder they are breaking the laws therefore they are illegal and CRIMINALS!!!

A country that is lawless is not a country. It is not Americans who are making this a racial issue but those extremist that spin and lie about the facts. If we do not enforce the law then why should any American obey the law? Why even bother to have laws. This country was founded on the principles that all men are created equal. Let me say this again .....THAT ALL MEN ARE CREATED EQUAL IN THE EYES OF THE LAW AND GOD!!!

Yet we have a government that is making a small vocal MINORITY above the law. If illegals have certain inaliable rights then what rights do we as citizens have? Was not the Constitution writen for Americans? For the citizens of this great nation first.

Once again I state the fact that American s still want and encourage people to come here. What Americans want is for them to come LEGALLY. There are laws and rules on the books. Quotas if you will on how many people from which country can come here. Why because it allows a better assimilation into American culture. By just opening the boarder and letting in anyone has created third world living standards. Mulitple families in single homes.

Look at recent busts by ICE. Homes that were converted into squaller houseing over 40 even 50 plus in a home ment for a family of four. Nieghborhoods that are turning into slums. So called barrios that even the police have to have an interpreter to go into.

A rise in crime because people are frustrated at not achieving the American dream. Drug sales, robberies, murder and rapes all on the rise. Then when the police try to arrest these criminals that are praying upon their own in their own nieghborhoods activists shout loud and long about racism. Use the "it is a part of their culture " excuse in order to justify degenerate behavior. Giving punks and thugs like MS - 13 a free run of things.

The reason there has been and should be a waiting period for visas is for background checks. This goes beyond the homeland , terrorist thinking. It just makes sense.

Useing the influx of the Cuban migration we saw in the 80's when Fidel Castro simply opened his prisons and sanitariums up. We found ourselves in a flood of social misfits. This is not saying that all Cubans who came here at that time were, however there was so many criminals that came it inspired the classic movie Scarface.

We, America used to pass all immigints through Ellis Island. A physical was given and most were allowed to go ahead and enter America. This physical helped keep the general health of the country. It also provided health care to those who needed it. Now with people running the boarder who can say what comunicable dieseses are here. Just food for thought. Say that one person happens to have this bird flu.

Is this a risk we want to take. That these activists really want. Chances are this person will go and hide in the new barrio slums being created and pass this pandemic around unchecked. Whos fault will this be? Anyone with common sense will be able to draw the conclusion it belongs to those activists who deny a medical checkup to those crossing ILLEGALLY ON THE BOARDER. It isnt the American governments fault or the American citizens fault. It is the fault of those who oppose the checkup. Claiming it is facism.

This person who might be infected would be stopped at the boarder and then taken to a medical facility and treated. Show me anywhere a case where medical attention was denied someone because they were sick or hurt. You can't because Americans are compasionate.

Lets look at the crime that is going on. Murders and rapes, no way to capture the perpetrator because they run back south with impunity because the Mexican government refuses to cooperate and capture these criminals. Who really suffers from these crimes. Sure there are many regular American citizens who become victems but how many more victems are illegal themselves. The scare tactic by the LaRaza and Reconquistas is to keep portraying the myth of youre illegal you can't go to the authority. Thus denying equal protection under the law.

It is thesae activists who are perpetraying the biggest insult and travisty against immigints. Not Americans. In fact it is racism on the activists part that keeps their own people down and in poverty.

America used to have the best school system for public education anywhere. Now we are suffering from ideologs and activism that is tearing the core out of education. By creating a multilingual education that hinders instead of unites the youth in education. (A MIND IS A TERRIBLE THING TO BRAINWASH)

Perpetuating the Myth that Americans are racist is wrong.

As Americans we want our country and out laws enforced and respected!!!

We celebrate ethinic heritage, Columbus day, St.Patricks, Haunnaka, Christmas, even Quannza.

However we hold being a melting pot dear. A unifying of the best qualities of diffenent cultures. Bringing them together to form the greatest country in the history of the world.

Listening to the activists and far left liberal enlightened thinkers you would think that this country is nothing but oppression with jackboots marching the streets slapping minorities in leg irons and sending them off to who knows where to never be heard of again. SO FAR FROM THE TRUTH.

It is time that American Citizens stand up to these real racist and bigots. Throw off the shackles that they are trying to force upon America and fight for the American dream.

We can start by making it clear to the government by writing your represenatives and Senators. Tell them they serve at our will, not their whim. If they do not represent the American people, the American people will find someone who will. Fly the American flag as high and often as you can. Be you Black, White, Yellow or Red. Get ol'Glory out and fly her high and proud.

When activist try to take over the school system, like in Houston Texas, and fly a foriegn flag over Americas .... DEMAND THIS PRINCIPALS removal from that job.

This is America and it is worth fighting for.

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  • I'm Devious Mind
  • From Denver, Colorado, United States
  • Good judgemnt comes from experiance. Experiance comes from bad judgement. Karma, its a bitch.
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