Finance Security
I am sooooooo sick and tired of listening to these B.S. talkers crying about "we do not have enough money for new / more personel to handle security at the airports". Is not the safety of AMERICAN lives a priority? Just like the southern boarder ....something congress just does not understand and the open boarder crowd is exploiting.
If I hear another panzy, self induldged, without a clue, progressiv3e (not liberal, they give liberals a bad name)complain about how they are being inconvenanced I will go mad.
These people have no idea what being inconvenanced is. They have no clue as to what screening is. I remember flying through Kempo airport in 88. Thats in Soul South Korea. All I did was transfere flights but their security was outstanding. I got off the plane went theough a pat down, then wand check. While this was happening another security officer was going through physically my carry on case. Then I went no more then fifty yards and through the same procedure to get on board my next flight. All this took no more then 10 minutes and every passenger did this.
Then when I fly to the Philippines custom always seems to take forever because of the crowds and heat of Aquino Internationals lack of air conditioning. All my bags are opened and virtually unpacked by customs. Again ion realitry considering the amount of people looked at this takes very little time at all. Approximately 10 to 15 minutes per person/family. The long wait is created by those who try to buck the system and complain.
I propose a simple solution here in America. First to have the money to do this a simple .50cent (and I am definatley not in favor of paying more money for anything), but a fifty cent charge on all tickets sold. Look at the money this genewrates to pay for the personel. An average flight of 200 people will generate 100 dollars. A big flight of 400 people gets 200 dollars. Now look at how many tickets are sold daily and you generate thousands of dollars. This is a fee that is charged nationally at all airports from puddle jumpers to international 777 flights.
This fee is to be for the saleries of new security agents only. To pay for their saleries. Of which they can get a nice hourly wage for. Then you have these people one stand there and physically pat down adn then wand the traveller while the other opens and looks into all carry on luggage.
Now if you increase this to a two dollar fee you can hire security to actually look at luggage going into the hole of the plane.
I am sooooooo sick and tired of listening to these B.S. talkers crying about "we do not have enough money for new / more personel to handle security at the airports". Is not the safety of AMERICAN lives a priority? Just like the southern boarder ....something congress just does not understand and the open boarder crowd is exploiting.
If I hear another panzy, self induldged, without a clue, progressiv3e (not liberal, they give liberals a bad name)complain about how they are being inconvenanced I will go mad.
These people have no idea what being inconvenanced is. They have no clue as to what screening is. I remember flying through Kempo airport in 88. Thats in Soul South Korea. All I did was transfere flights but their security was outstanding. I got off the plane went theough a pat down, then wand check. While this was happening another security officer was going through physically my carry on case. Then I went no more then fifty yards and through the same procedure to get on board my next flight. All this took no more then 10 minutes and every passenger did this.
Then when I fly to the Philippines custom always seems to take forever because of the crowds and heat of Aquino Internationals lack of air conditioning. All my bags are opened and virtually unpacked by customs. Again ion realitry considering the amount of people looked at this takes very little time at all. Approximately 10 to 15 minutes per person/family. The long wait is created by those who try to buck the system and complain.
I propose a simple solution here in America. First to have the money to do this a simple .50cent (and I am definatley not in favor of paying more money for anything), but a fifty cent charge on all tickets sold. Look at the money this genewrates to pay for the personel. An average flight of 200 people will generate 100 dollars. A big flight of 400 people gets 200 dollars. Now look at how many tickets are sold daily and you generate thousands of dollars. This is a fee that is charged nationally at all airports from puddle jumpers to international 777 flights.
This fee is to be for the saleries of new security agents only. To pay for their saleries. Of which they can get a nice hourly wage for. Then you have these people one stand there and physically pat down adn then wand the traveller while the other opens and looks into all carry on luggage.
Now if you increase this to a two dollar fee you can hire security to actually look at luggage going into the hole of the plane.
How about if we get rid of all the immoral and unconstitutional government welfare schemes, arts funding, and everything else that steals money from the person that earned it and gives it to a person that didn't and use that money for legitimate government activities, like national defense, law enforcement, etc. Then there would be plenty of money for airport security.
Posted by
Anonymous |
2:44 AM
That would certainly free up funds. Or we could stop giving foriegn aid to the world. Just Mexico alone would give us hundreds of millions aone to invest in security.
Unfortunately our government is to entrenched with utopian liberals seeking a one world government so that will never happen. It will never happen on cutting the welfare state created by Lyndon B. Johnson., the only way to fund this is UNFORTUNATELY an extra fee to be charged. This though puts control back into the hands of the people /consumer. By reduceing flying on our behalf we can force change.
Posted by
Devious Mind |
4:57 AM