Lack of protest support.
This is so funny in my opinion that it needs to be told over and over again.
Once again Michelle Malkin is right on top of things with the links and photos of peace and antiIsreal protesters. Well not really protestors but homeless who are being paid to protest. Ten dollars an hour to the homeless to hold onto signs with absurd slogans and propaganda from the left.
It just cracks me up when you hear about all the antiwar support and how the American people do not support the war that there are not enough protestors. Not enough to make a crowd so they have to go and bribe people with an hourly wage to protest.
So where is the anti crowd? Why could they not make the protests in Salt Lake City? Did the Mormans scare them away or something? LMAO .... the propagandists are exposed once again.
Condi Derangement Syndrome
By Michelle Malkin ยท August 30, 2006 02:14 PM
Go and check out the links and the pics.
Once again Michelle Malkin is right on top of things with the links and photos of peace and antiIsreal protesters. Well not really protestors but homeless who are being paid to protest. Ten dollars an hour to the homeless to hold onto signs with absurd slogans and propaganda from the left.
It just cracks me up when you hear about all the antiwar support and how the American people do not support the war that there are not enough protestors. Not enough to make a crowd so they have to go and bribe people with an hourly wage to protest.
So where is the anti crowd? Why could they not make the protests in Salt Lake City? Did the Mormans scare them away or something? LMAO .... the propagandists are exposed once again.
Condi Derangement Syndrome
By Michelle Malkin ยท August 30, 2006 02:14 PM
Go and check out the links and the pics.
This happens here too, even worse than just ten bucks though. Here it is more of an extortion. The partidos (parties/unions) hold the money for the welfare recipiants. If they want their free government subsidy then they are required to show up for the protest to get this. It is all corrupt.
The fact remains, over half don not even give a flying rat's bumm about the "cause" they just want the free hand out from the government.
Posted by
Carnivore |
6:53 PM