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Friday, August 04, 2006 

Terrorist mode of operation

So what exactly is the operational mode of terrorists? Well we know that they want to create fear and caos.

How do they accomplish this task? Committing murder, rape, kidnappings, and other vile acts on an unsuspecting innocent civilization.

Why do they do this? Well it is for political reasons, religious reasons, or for economical reasons. Economical reasons are generally far and few between any more. Mostly used to gain finaces for their cause. The purchaseing of weapons, armaments and safe travel. Like bribeing certain governments to turn a blind eye to their activities (France,China, Russia .... food for oil bribery). The act of personal financial gain is almost unheard of anymore. Examples of this would be the Sibanese liberation of Patty Huerst fame and the Baader Meinhoff gang.

What is a key ingrediant to terrorism? Public support! When engaged in a struggle with an enemy if one can win over the hearts and minds of the enemies public, then the enemy will loose moral and initiative to fight.

Now all this being said what does any of this have to do with the war on terror we are engaged in right now and have been fighting since 1979.

Lets examine the conflict in which Isreal is spearheading right now in our defense.

Kiddnapping the Isreali soldiers: why because it brings world attention to them and finacial gains from Iran who paid funds to support such acts. Reading Sun Tzu's art of war tactics are explained that terroristism is useing right now. The public relations war is in the plus catagory for the terrorists. Gain the support and sympathy of the enemies civilian populance and they will faulter ... world press is supporting this and winning over the bleeding hearts and minds of the foolish. Calling for cease fires and suppling of Hezbollah.

By hiding among civilian populance and attacking Isreal from afar they are creating a hostile enviorment propagating fear. Hezbollahh is far from any military force. Not wearing any uniform to identify themselves (a violation under the Geneva convention) useing religious and medical buildings for cover and supply (another violation of the geneva convention), the purposeful targeting of innocent noncombatives (yet another violation), these thugs are fighting on a level that deserves no more then ruthless return action by those transgressed upon. Shooting from under the cover of innocents then blending back into the crowd leaves little to fire back upon. A tactic meant to confuse and befuddle the enemy. To not allow the victems military a clear target for striking back at.

The fact that Hezbollah is cowardly useing such a tactic right now gives crediance to their status as a TERRORIST organization. Not some heroic group of individuals fighting for a just cause.

Though if you read the papers and watch television you would get the impression that they were. By hiding among civilians this gives them perfect cover to propagandise and create the state of feaf which gives them the power they crave. Be it for a political purpose or in this case religous. A state of fear is neccissary in order to gain their goal.

It is so easy poseing as civilians to turn around and STAGE photo oppertunities after the Isreali's return fire and claim only civilians are hit. When in actuality the Isreali's are getting the terrorist hezboillah.

What to look for in terrorism opperations. Simple, look for a sentiment underlineing any and all statements made. An example is what Haq said in Seattle, "I am a muslim and hate the Jews."

Look for a sympathetic press that is willing to kowtow to their wants (calling for a cease fire and reporting only one side). Trying to explain social reasons that are trivial making them and spinning half truths in order to support murder.

As this war comes to our shores and it definately is. More and more little acts of aggression like fire bombing of dorms in Baltimore, shootings of Jewish centers, legal actions that claim right infrindgmentof minorities (look at who is suppodedly having their rights taken away) we need to know what is happening. We need to stop it. We must not kowtow to terrorism.

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  • I'm Devious Mind
  • From Denver, Colorado, United States
  • Good judgemnt comes from experiance. Experiance comes from bad judgement. Karma, its a bitch.
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