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Friday, June 15, 2007 

Gov. Arnold is RIGHT

"You've got to turn off the Spanish television set," Schwarzenegger said at the 25th annual National Association of Hispanic Journalists convention, which included many who produce Spanish-language propaganda of La Raza and Reconquista.

An Austrian immigrant, the Republican governor,responded to a question about how to improve Latino academic performance.

Schwarzenegger said tutoring and after-school programs are essential. But he emphasized that immigrants should avoid a diet of Spanish-language books, TV and newspapers in order to learn English, calling it a "drastic" but necessary step.

You're just forced to speak English, and that just makes you learn the language faster," Schwarzenegger said. "It is much more difficult and much more challenging when you are ... let's say, Latino. Because you have so many Latinos, as I see at the Capitol in Sacramento, there are so many Latinos who speak Spanish all the time, they speak to each other in Spanish. So it makes it difficult to perfect their English skills as quickly as possible."

Argueing against assimilation, Pilar Marrero, political editor of Spanish-language newspaper La Opinión. "They don't have time to. They're busy working."

Pilar Marrero, a panelist and political editor of Spanish-language newspaper La Opinión, seemed to grow visibly tense as Schwarzenegger made his case against Spanish-language media.She agreed later that Latin American immigrants have a different experience than European newcomers. But she said those coming from Spanish-speaking countries do make an effort to learn English and that there are plenty of bilingual immigrant households. trying to compare Illegals to legal Italian, French and others who speak English in public, the work place, and thier native language at home.

"Spanish media is there to do what the English media doesn't do, which is to serve the immigrants," Marrero said afterward. "As he said, it's a political hot potato. I think he believes it, he thinks about his own experience. It's different when you come from Austria than when you come from Latin America."

Whats different and not addressed is the fact European immigrents are not out to collect handouts. That the vast majority of LEGAL IMMIGRANTS, from everywhere. Want to be American, and work at assimilating into the American melting pot. That they do not push a false hood adgenda of a mythical land that never existed. Nor do they twist and lie about history and in specific the treaty of Hildago Guadalupe.

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  • I'm Devious Mind
  • From Denver, Colorado, United States
  • Good judgemnt comes from experiance. Experiance comes from bad judgement. Karma, its a bitch.
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