Ken Salzar, Ed Perlmutter
In todays Rocky News Speakout, one of the most assinine letters I have ever read. This one is credited to our own Senator Salzar and Rep. Ed Permutter. These two socialist and open boarder, sanctuary advocates are out there in la la land. In their speakout they try to convince people that the forclosure rate is everyones problem and that the bailout is a good thing for all.
I say no way. It is nothing more then a social welfare program designed to get more money out of the taxpayers wallet.
The first three paragraphs of their plea discloses their socialist agenda and leanings. Here read them:
"Homeownership is not often thought of as a responsibility shared between neighbors. One of the reasons so many Coloradans and Americans dream of owning their own home is precisely because it is their own - a place to live, to raise a family and to build unique and personal experiences.
However, the storm of foreclosures that has pummeled our state and nation over the past two years has shed light on the broader importance of homeownership as a community responsibility. The consequences of the housing bubble and the relationship between the modern-day housing market and the broader economy have demonstrated that, to a significant extent, we are all in this together.
All across America, families are feeling the pain inflicted by the housing crisis. It's not just the families whose homes are being foreclosed upon that are feeling this pain. It is their neighbors, whose home values have declined steeply as a result of foreclosures in the neighborhood. And it's their communities, which are seeing their tax bases depleted and important social services cut back dramatically."
Since when is it the nieghbors responsibility to check on the monetary affiars of their nieghbors? Notice the link to socialism here. How they try to lay guilt and blame on society by mentioning how important social services are cut back. See in the first paragraph how the American dream is twisted in to a false responsibility of community to provide and pay for the dream.
The American dream is for a person and family to work hard, save their money. Be smart with their money and not over extend and expect someone else to pick up the tab.
How twisted is this view. "Here ye, Here Ye. All come out and open your wallets. A new family wants to keep up with the Jones and we need to pay for it!"
The home forclosure rate is not a communities responsibility to prevent or to pay for. It is the communities responsibility to stop the peddlers who came up with these bogus and cheesey morgage loan scams. By warning people and prosecuting those who commit crimes. A community has a responsibility to their fellow neighbors to provide fire, medical, and police services. The community needs to provide schools for the kids. Schools that have qualified teachers and an effective, non-biased politically slanted educational program. But nowhere is a community resposible to pay for, build, and bail out those who cannot afford a home.
It is not the communities fault that people are trying to live beyond their means. How about a little personal fiscal responsibility here.
Paragraph 5 has another spin to it:
"The families suffering as a result are not just families who made poor or shortsighted financial decisions. Many are families who bought or refinanced houses between 2002 and 2006, stayed current on their payments, and hoped to be able to see the value of their homes continue to appreciate."
What? Wait did they say it is not the fault of these families who signed a refinace , or applied and recieved a second morgage on their home. Does not anyopne read fine print any more. So we as tax payers are not only responsible for a first time homeowner getting his house paid for but now we have to pay for the other nieghbor and their second morgage?
Did not any alarms or bells ring on these scam loans? Pay no principle only interst and then a balloon payment in four years that is astronomical. Did no one save up and take, make any future plans? Oh that trip to Cancun was more important I see.
It is not my fault nor my responsibility to prevent people from buying an over inflated price home. A home that in reality is not worth 1/4 the asking price.
Where is the personal responsibility I am screaming! You do not make a decision to buy a $400,000 home on a $32,000 salary. This is STUPID! Especially when the home is not worth that much.
BUYER BEWARE, there are scam artist out there who will take advantage of you. Do your research first. Plan the future and look at just what exactly an ARM morgage is.
Paragraphs 8 and 9 are a pass the buck attempt at letting government off. When it is the local and state agencies who helped overinflate the value of homes in order to increase taxes collected. By spinning the story to it is our fault that prices dropped. When i reality it is our responsibility to demand a fair and equitable value of homes and propereties.
Paragraphs 8 and 9:
"As our neighbors' homes decline in value, so do ours. As more and more loan defaults occur, the harder it is for the rest of us to get credit and for businesses to get the capital they need to invest, create jobs and grow. In the end, we all get hurt.
Government must act responsibly to help families stay in their homes and to stem the tide of foreclosures continuing to serve as a serious drag on our overall economy."
See the socialist spin here. It is your fault that we are loosing funding for all there welfare programs and social services that government created without our permission. (if half the social welfare programs were put on the balot. They would be shut down in a heart beat.)
Let me make this short and sweet here on the forclosure problem. The market has finally made an adjustment for the years of over valuation given to the market. This hickup, though large is a natural correction. As people are finally realiseing that the price they are willing to pay for shoddy homes and sleezy loans are way to high for the average pocket book.
Ken Salazar and Ed Perlmutter are nothing more then a couple of socialist who want you and I to believe we should buy our neighbors homes for them and take responsibility for their bad judgements. It is a socialist agenda they are pushing and not one for Americans. Salazar and Perlmutter want governemnt to run our lives, while we pay for it. They want people to no longer take responsibility for their decisions and actions. After all it takes a Democratic community to do things, right?
I say no way. It is nothing more then a social welfare program designed to get more money out of the taxpayers wallet.
The first three paragraphs of their plea discloses their socialist agenda and leanings. Here read them:
"Homeownership is not often thought of as a responsibility shared between neighbors. One of the reasons so many Coloradans and Americans dream of owning their own home is precisely because it is their own - a place to live, to raise a family and to build unique and personal experiences.
However, the storm of foreclosures that has pummeled our state and nation over the past two years has shed light on the broader importance of homeownership as a community responsibility. The consequences of the housing bubble and the relationship between the modern-day housing market and the broader economy have demonstrated that, to a significant extent, we are all in this together.
All across America, families are feeling the pain inflicted by the housing crisis. It's not just the families whose homes are being foreclosed upon that are feeling this pain. It is their neighbors, whose home values have declined steeply as a result of foreclosures in the neighborhood. And it's their communities, which are seeing their tax bases depleted and important social services cut back dramatically."
Since when is it the nieghbors responsibility to check on the monetary affiars of their nieghbors? Notice the link to socialism here. How they try to lay guilt and blame on society by mentioning how important social services are cut back. See in the first paragraph how the American dream is twisted in to a false responsibility of community to provide and pay for the dream.
The American dream is for a person and family to work hard, save their money. Be smart with their money and not over extend and expect someone else to pick up the tab.
How twisted is this view. "Here ye, Here Ye. All come out and open your wallets. A new family wants to keep up with the Jones and we need to pay for it!"
The home forclosure rate is not a communities responsibility to prevent or to pay for. It is the communities responsibility to stop the peddlers who came up with these bogus and cheesey morgage loan scams. By warning people and prosecuting those who commit crimes. A community has a responsibility to their fellow neighbors to provide fire, medical, and police services. The community needs to provide schools for the kids. Schools that have qualified teachers and an effective, non-biased politically slanted educational program. But nowhere is a community resposible to pay for, build, and bail out those who cannot afford a home.
It is not the communities fault that people are trying to live beyond their means. How about a little personal fiscal responsibility here.
Paragraph 5 has another spin to it:
"The families suffering as a result are not just families who made poor or shortsighted financial decisions. Many are families who bought or refinanced houses between 2002 and 2006, stayed current on their payments, and hoped to be able to see the value of their homes continue to appreciate."
What? Wait did they say it is not the fault of these families who signed a refinace , or applied and recieved a second morgage on their home. Does not anyopne read fine print any more. So we as tax payers are not only responsible for a first time homeowner getting his house paid for but now we have to pay for the other nieghbor and their second morgage?
Did not any alarms or bells ring on these scam loans? Pay no principle only interst and then a balloon payment in four years that is astronomical. Did no one save up and take, make any future plans? Oh that trip to Cancun was more important I see.
It is not my fault nor my responsibility to prevent people from buying an over inflated price home. A home that in reality is not worth 1/4 the asking price.
Where is the personal responsibility I am screaming! You do not make a decision to buy a $400,000 home on a $32,000 salary. This is STUPID! Especially when the home is not worth that much.
BUYER BEWARE, there are scam artist out there who will take advantage of you. Do your research first. Plan the future and look at just what exactly an ARM morgage is.
Paragraphs 8 and 9 are a pass the buck attempt at letting government off. When it is the local and state agencies who helped overinflate the value of homes in order to increase taxes collected. By spinning the story to it is our fault that prices dropped. When i reality it is our responsibility to demand a fair and equitable value of homes and propereties.
Paragraphs 8 and 9:
"As our neighbors' homes decline in value, so do ours. As more and more loan defaults occur, the harder it is for the rest of us to get credit and for businesses to get the capital they need to invest, create jobs and grow. In the end, we all get hurt.
Government must act responsibly to help families stay in their homes and to stem the tide of foreclosures continuing to serve as a serious drag on our overall economy."
See the socialist spin here. It is your fault that we are loosing funding for all there welfare programs and social services that government created without our permission. (if half the social welfare programs were put on the balot. They would be shut down in a heart beat.)
Let me make this short and sweet here on the forclosure problem. The market has finally made an adjustment for the years of over valuation given to the market. This hickup, though large is a natural correction. As people are finally realiseing that the price they are willing to pay for shoddy homes and sleezy loans are way to high for the average pocket book.
Ken Salazar and Ed Perlmutter are nothing more then a couple of socialist who want you and I to believe we should buy our neighbors homes for them and take responsibility for their bad judgements. It is a socialist agenda they are pushing and not one for Americans. Salazar and Perlmutter want governemnt to run our lives, while we pay for it. They want people to no longer take responsibility for their decisions and actions. After all it takes a Democratic community to do things, right?
ken salzar you need to pull your head out of ombama underwear as in colorado you sold properties that we schools you said you would fix the water problems then you send lawers out to buy water rights what is wrong with you as you are the head of the epa where were the inspectors that inspect these rigs you need to resign are you a legal resiadent you a bag of horse manure
Posted by
curt a schadel |
9:02 PM