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Tuesday, March 22, 2005 

China/growing threat

Well if anyone is paying attention to world events, then they will see history repeating itself once again. The story is the same but the players have changed slightly.
This time instead of pacific/world domination by the Japanese it is the Chinese we need to watch and worry about.
It is of concern to think that there are over a billion Chinese , the worlds largest standing army /even sitting they are large...(thats by numbers folks not size) However any more Yao Mings over there and I will be worried even more....... (thats a big boy there 7' 6")

Any ways China is starting to flex its military and economical muscle. This should raise the hackles on the backs or the western world...(although the Frenchies would never notice until China raises its flag in Paris and renames the city Ping Ping O'Pari). Being the largest consumer of goods in the world.China has wormed its way into the economy of all industrial nations. With a growing trade imbalance for all except for China.

Recently Austrailian news questioned China on its new law that will allow military force to assult Taiwan should Taiwan want to be free and independant. China warned Austrailia to rethink its alliance with the United States and who they deal with. Now I have traveled to Austraila and it is a beautiful country, the people are great. Playful and sometimes boastful......but so are we as Americans. The Austrailians are our greatest friend. From the Arden forrest to the pacific island hoping campaign, Korea , Vietnam, Afghanistan and Iraq. The Austrailans have fought and stood beside us all the way.
China does not like this as we watch Austrailas back and they ours. Together we get things done.
Now if you look at preworld war two events in the Pacific and in Asia, see the similarities of what China is doing today by suppling arms and economic aid to the Pacific rim just as Japan Imerialism did 70 years ago. Purchasing or aquiring natural resources, behind closed door deals with Opec. Stealing technology from the United States.. (that in which Bill fricken "I did not have sex with that woman" Clinton didn't give them).
The parallels are striking and scary. We need to be looking west over the Pacific at the new threat to our way of life. Terrorism is on the run and we can not stop it entirely, however China is moving into our back yard and we can prevent it.
I say beware now or else learn how to pronounce Ho Hing Gao, Shi Ging Dau Knee.