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Thursday, April 21, 2005 

Where Is The Responsibility

In the following article , you read about the attack on a 16 year old girl in high school. How the administration looks the other way and allows the culprits to get away before the police arrive. I have several questions about this. One , why didn't some student go for help?
Two why didn't the teachers or administration hold the attackers until the police arrive. Third and the most important in my opinion. Why did not the victims father bust the principal in the mouth/nose for allowing this and being so insensitive about the whole thing.

By Michelle Malkin ยท April 20, 2005 03:51 PM

On March 9, according to press reports, a developmentally disabled girl told Mifflin school officials that four boys dragged her into the school auditorium, punched her in the head and face, pushed her to her knees, and forced her to have oral sex with two of them. A crowd of students watched and one student videotaped the incident. The 16-year-old girl's lip was bloodied in the alleged gang attack; dazed and crying, her face swollen, she reported the assault immediately to her special education teacher, Lisa Upshaw-Miller.
One monstrosity was piled upon another. When the girl's father, who had been summoned to the school by the teacher, insisted on calling police, an assistant principal twice urged him not to call 911, according to Upshaw-Miller. Assistant Principal Rick Watson implored the girl's father to call the non-emergency police line instead of 911 a violation of Ohio state law because "a news channel might tape his daughter and cause her further mental trauma," according to his statement to school investigators.
Meanwhile, according to witnesses, the school's principal, Regina Crenshaw, shuttered herself in a meeting about bell schedules and curriculum for a half-hour while underlings scrambled to perform damage control.
Cover your ears, cower in a classroom, and pray that the media stay out of it. It's all about the children, right?
Witness statements revealed that none of the administrators bothered to call a nurse to assist the girl. Only after the girl's father called police himself did law enforcement come to the scene. By the time the cops arrived, all of the administrators had gone home for the day.
The principal is scheduled to be fired, but the assistant vice principals who allegedly participated in the cover-up are getting away with a slap on the wrist: 10-day suspensions and "sensitivity training" courses. Meanwhile, it looks like education dimwits in the area are going to exploit the crime to drum up diversity dollars under the guise of convening a "violence summit."
The case hasn't gotten nearly enough attention outside of Ohio. Disabled advocates should raise hell. Parents should raise hell. Teachers with spines should raise hell.

How amazing that the teachers did not get a nurse and assist the victem of this gruesome offense. Yes it is gruesome do to the fact it was a forcable act with an unwilling person. "Sensitivity training" , now what the hell is this about . How about some leasdership classes and the fireing of all the staff. This young girl was a developmental (nice phrase for mentally challenged) disabled girl. The video tape I pray does not get lost and all of those who participated are castrated, well punished at least.

I agree with your thoughts on this heinous matter 100%. Thank you for shedding light on this episode.
Clay, Denver, Co.

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