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Sunday, May 08, 2005 

Beware, look whats happening in Sweden

Not only is this a problem to Sweden , but all of Europe where immigration is unchecked. A problem we can see here in America. Just take a look around at where illegals (not just hipanic but different culutres are appearing) live and take root. What once was a melting pot where people came together to form a better society is now being torn assunder with small close knit communities that are diverse and nonproductive in the whole.

What's the Matter with Sweden?
By David Orland · May 07, 2005 08:59 AM
Former colonial powers like France and Britain are not the only European countries suffering from the breakdown of assimilation mechanisms consequent upon mass immigration. The countries of Scandinavia are as well. Given their small populations and generous welfare states, the results are, if anything, even more dramatic.
Consider the case of Sweden. Unlike their neighbours in Denmark, who in 2002 decided to place strict conditions on those wishing to emmigrate to the country, Sweden's political elites have resolutely refused to consider cutting back on migration -- and that despite a foreign born population already at 12%. Worse yet, official multiculturalism effectively rules out assimilation for the constant stream of (mainly Muslim) newcomers. The result is the ghettoization of Swedish cities and an increase in inter-communal violence.
Norwegian blogger Fjordman has documented what this has meant for Malmö, Sweden's third largest city:
According to some estimates, the rapidly growing Muslim immigrant population may turn Malmö into a Muslim majority city within about ten years. It will be the first major Scandinavian city to enjoy this honor, although perhaps not the last. Native Swedes are leaving the city in droves, as crime is rampant and the police publicly admit they don't control all parts of the city. There are now gangs in Malmö specialized in assaulting old people visiting the graves of relatives. Robberies have increased with 50 % in Malmö only during the fall of 2004. The city is descending into general chaos. Fights in the city's movie theatres have become a recurrent problem. Numbers released in January 2005 indicate a sharp rise in the number of rape charges in Malmö. Thomas Anderberg, responsible for statistics at the Malmö Police, says there was a doubling of the number of reported rapes by ambush in 2004, following what was already a decade of steadily increasing numbers of sexual crimes.
What's happening in Sweden should serve as an object lesson for all those countries, the US included, in which a generous immigration policy is accompanied by state-sponsored multiculturalism. And in Sweden, which has long been seen as a model for social democratic governance, the problems posed by contemporary immigration are particularly acute. For as communal relations deteriorate and the social service dependence of unskilled immigrants grows, it is anything but clear how the country is to maintain the consensus on which the post-war providential state was founded.
As Prospect Editor David Goodhart put it in an important 2004 essay:
The diversity, individualism and mobility that characterise developed economies - especially in the era of globalisation - mean that more of our lives is spent among strangers. Ever since the invention of agriculture 10,000 years ago, humans have been used to dealing with people from beyond their own extended kin groups. The difference now in a developed country such as Britain is that we not only live among stranger citizens but we must share with them. We share public services and parts of our income in the welfare state, we share public spaces in towns and cities where we are squashed together on buses, trains and tubes, and we share in a democratic conversation - filtered by the media - about the collective choices we wish to make. All such acts of sharing are more smoothly and generously negotiated if we can take for granted a limited set of common values and assumptions. But as Britain becomes more diverse that common culture is being eroded.
And therein lies one of the central dilemmas of political life in developed societies: sharing and solidarity can conflict with diversity.
Goodhart's dilemma is European in scale. In three weeks, France will be voting on the referendum to the EU Constitution. That the referendum will pass remains uncertain, not least because many voters worry that it will erode workers' rights and the welfare state. The Swedish case suggests that such debates may already be obsolete. With native birthrates collapsing across the Continent and immigration undermining historic solidarities, the postwar welfare state is in serious trouble.
Until Europe comes to terms with these problems, no constitution can save it.

Do we not see this happening here now. A rise in violent crime/murder/rape/sexual preditors/theft. The MS 13 is a prime example of this comint to fruition. Sure there are good and honest people who come here in order to provide and find a better way of life, yet those who come here to terrorise and rob/loot/pilage this country seems to be vastly greater in number. Is it not better to ride oneself of the poison before having to amputate the arm/leg?

In the Rocky Mountain News on Friday 6 May, 2005: page 42A. Marcela Sanchez claims latins are afriad of the liberal gunlaws in the United States. That only those who abuse the ownership of firearms have firearms. That the Latin community nation wide fears police and private citizens right to protect themselves from criminals. Citing the belief ion Latin America of no gunownership as the better way to go. That the more guns allowed the more people will be shot. Lets look at this if there were less criminals we would need less guns for protection. It is as simple as that. With the Maryland police protecting illegals over citizens (check out the protest that accured) and granting a safe haven for criminals. Yes a safe haven for criminals, do not decieve yourself they broke the law when they came here ILLEGALLY. It is just an insane statment to say Americans are not allowed to protect ourselves.

I believe firmly in gun control == gun control is good sight alignment and sight picture. Yes I do shoot regulary, and as often as possible. I own several rifles and pistols. I was taught how to shoot by my father. Instructed in the use of a variety of weapons in the military. I also continue to take classes when I can afford them on the use, and improved marksmanship capabilities that are out there. I for one will not tolerate my home being taken away/my family murdered or raped by those who get protection from the officials who swore to protect this country from Enemies both Foriegn and Domestic.
Look around and open your eyes. Take a stand on immigration and those criminals who would subvert our Nation and way of life before it is too late.

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  • I'm Devious Mind
  • From Denver, Colorado, United States
  • Good judgemnt comes from experiance. Experiance comes from bad judgement. Karma, its a bitch.
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