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Friday, February 03, 2006 

What to do?

What to do? Now is the time for all good men to come to the aid of thier country. But what to do when they come to the aid? This is the approprieta question that needs to be answered.

A recent fury of cartoons has brought the peaceful religion world of Islam into an uproar. Cartoons that are NOT OFFENSIVE to the average person of reality. Why not offensive to the average person. Well in this shallow world where we really no longer hold certain things as sacred as before. We have progressed into a more tolerant society.

Well that is what progressive thinkers want you to think , at least when it comes to portraying Christian and western ideas in a bad light. Things like portraing Jesus as Gay or an adulterer. Insulting the office of the President of the United States .. claiming it is freedom of speech. Burning or desecrating national symbols like a plucked Bald Eagle and singed American Flag. Oh these are only freedom of speech and a right under the first admendment.

Yet in fairness and political correctness if the same/similar thing is said and done to another belief or nation it is intolrerable and an outright offensive act.

It just isn't right to offend another race, belief , culture. However it is ok for them to offend our way (a western and christian way). Now thats progressive , intellectually enlightened thinking.

What should we do about this? Easy answer! Stop allowing these so called progressive thinkers from oppressing our way of life. Come to the aid of those who are being oppressed by these socalled liberals. Demand that if the rules are to be no offensive cartons/pictures, writing, and freedom of speech, it be administered fairly and equally ... otherwise grow up and STICKS AND STONES PEOPLE.

What has to be realized is that working through our system we are letting our way of life be destroyed and undermind. By determining only certain religions (Islam)are protected from hate speech. We are allowing anything to be said and printed that is unfavorable and unjust against others. Let alone the fact lies and untruthes be told about history and individuals.

What to do .... be responsible. Be truthful. Be fair. If it is a spade then it is a spade ( and no this is not a racial term it goes back and refers to a shovel). If a person is racist then call him so, but do not call him that if you just do not like his opinion. If there is a hate crime ( a progressive enlightened term [lol]. For are not most if not all crimes based on some form of hate). Call that act for what it is .... A CRIME.

A terrorist is a terrorist, not a freedom fighter ... for a freedom fighter does not endanger innocents EVER. An oppressive religion is oppressive no matter how you look at it. For when you deny belief, you oppress and deny freedom.

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  • I'm Devious Mind
  • From Denver, Colorado, United States
  • Good judgemnt comes from experiance. Experiance comes from bad judgement. Karma, its a bitch.
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