The Facist antismokers on the move
Well it is now official. Colorado has forever pushed a second class status onto those who enjoy smoking. As of midnite tonight , Friday 30 June, it is against the law to smoke in resturants,and bars. Forceing those who enjoy a legal activityout into the weather.
Many of these do gooders are rejoiceing and paradeing around like a bunch of prepubescent teens who have discovered what sex might be. They have a gleen in their eye as now they are looking to ban smoking in your personal car, and in your home. Want to talk about big brother and an invasion of personal pricvacy and elimination of personal rights.
If you have not paid attention , let me clue you in on some part of the adgenda that these "its only for your health" s$%^heads are pushing. Law suits against the fast food chain are starting toline up. Remember when they tried to force fast food chains to use only orlean oil for their fries claiming it was healthier. All the people it made sick , not to mention it made fries taste terrible. Well here they come with this again.
If you have children better beware as there are inititives that want to ban you from smoking in the privacy of your own home. Why, because silly you have children. They want to ban it in your car and every where they can. My question to these jerks is this..... IF YOU HATE SMOKE THAT MUCH WHY DO YOU NOT SIMPLY OUTLAW THE ACTIVITY?
The reason they won't is two fold. One they want all the extra monies that the absurd tax on cigarettes brings in to fund thier welfare programs, and the second reason is power. It makes them feel good to know that they are able to control your life.
If smoking were as bad as they claim it would be outlawed!
I myself plan on saving some by quiting ........ not smoking but quit eating out at resturants and clubs ect. I figure seing how I do eat out alot now that by brown bagging it I can save myself from 50 to 80 dollars a week. Soon I will have my vacation fund up and a trip to some nonfacist place that will allow me to lite up before, during , and after my meal is on the way.
As for the next rude person who asks me in a disgusted voice on the elevator if I smoke .... be ready because I will ask you if you shower because the B.O. isnt me. I use SOAP!
Many of these do gooders are rejoiceing and paradeing around like a bunch of prepubescent teens who have discovered what sex might be. They have a gleen in their eye as now they are looking to ban smoking in your personal car, and in your home. Want to talk about big brother and an invasion of personal pricvacy and elimination of personal rights.
If you have not paid attention , let me clue you in on some part of the adgenda that these "its only for your health" s$%^heads are pushing. Law suits against the fast food chain are starting toline up. Remember when they tried to force fast food chains to use only orlean oil for their fries claiming it was healthier. All the people it made sick , not to mention it made fries taste terrible. Well here they come with this again.
If you have children better beware as there are inititives that want to ban you from smoking in the privacy of your own home. Why, because silly you have children. They want to ban it in your car and every where they can. My question to these jerks is this..... IF YOU HATE SMOKE THAT MUCH WHY DO YOU NOT SIMPLY OUTLAW THE ACTIVITY?
The reason they won't is two fold. One they want all the extra monies that the absurd tax on cigarettes brings in to fund thier welfare programs, and the second reason is power. It makes them feel good to know that they are able to control your life.
If smoking were as bad as they claim it would be outlawed!
I myself plan on saving some by quiting ........ not smoking but quit eating out at resturants and clubs ect. I figure seing how I do eat out alot now that by brown bagging it I can save myself from 50 to 80 dollars a week. Soon I will have my vacation fund up and a trip to some nonfacist place that will allow me to lite up before, during , and after my meal is on the way.
As for the next rude person who asks me in a disgusted voice on the elevator if I smoke .... be ready because I will ask you if you shower because the B.O. isnt me. I use SOAP!
What a bunch of leftards! Thank goodness i live where we can smoke in just about every building there is. Hell even my wife smokes in her office (she is a prosecuting attorney for the state, and her brother's office (a federal attorney) is a smoking area too. We can smoke in every eatery we have ever went, and even standing in line to get to watch a movie in any one of the several showhouses.
The way I am going... something else will kill me before smoking does... and I have been a heavy to moderate smoker (pipes, cigars, and cigs) fo going on 18 years now, and according to my last physical (just three to fours months ago) I am in tip top shape. It included not only a full EKG but also full cardiac and thoracic x-rays. Imagine that. When I worked in healthcare (long term for over 16 years) I saw more deaths due to other causes than smoking and tobacco use. I even saw some deaths as a direct result from forced quiting of tobacco. One should never have to give up the only pleasure they have left in life.
Mind you I am a considerate smoker, but don't intrude on my life by dictating that I cannot smoke in my own domains. They can kiss my nicotine tainted turds for all I am concerned.
Posted by
Carnivore |
7:43 PM