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Sunday, April 15, 2007 

Is it over at Duke?

Now that the false charges have been dropped against the Duke LaCrosse players is the story over? Not in the least. Many unanswered questions remian. No, not questions pertaining to cover up of white racism. The questions are as follows.

1) How do these wrongfully accused men get thier names back?

2) Will Nifong be punished for his corrupt persecution of these players in order to be reelected?

3) Why is there not any charges being filed against the accuser? Charges like false statments, reverse racism (oh wait it is only racism if it is against whites and no one else).

4) Knowing the accuser has made such false charges in the past why was this investigation so botched. Botched on the prosecution end of not following up on interviews and looking at the evidance on hand.

5) Why are there no charges or Demands for apologies from the Duke faculty in thier slanderous letter of the Duke players?

6) Will Duke rehire the wrongfully fired coach, or at least give him a settlement?

7) Why no outcry agianst Sharpton, Jackson, and socalled other black racists calling themselves leaders and pillars of the community.

8) Will Sharpton and others apologise for thier wrongful accusations?

These questions and more will never be answered. Why, because no one wants to hold these people to the fire for fear of being called racist or phobic, or anything that might stigmatise them.

I on the other hand will call them out!

Al Sharpton you owe not only the Duke players an apology but an apology to all white people in your own personal race baiting antics. Jesse Jackson, once again you are wrong and owe an apology as well. The administration of Duke University you not only must apologise, but sanction the liberal bias faculty you have. You owe these students an education you wrongfully took from them. You owe the coach a job!

The three acused players so far have shown great restraint on thier attitudes of what they have been through as well have their families. With millions of dollars spent to oppose these fasle acusations. They have suffered finacial misery. Not to mention any future that these young men may have once had. A major multi million dollar lawsuit is in order. unfortunately it it the tax payers of Durham who will end up paying for the mess created by Nifong.

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  • I'm Devious Mind
  • From Denver, Colorado, United States
  • Good judgemnt comes from experiance. Experiance comes from bad judgement. Karma, its a bitch.
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