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Wednesday, October 24, 2007 

California fires, the left , and black ops

It is an unfortunate thing that once again California is on fire. That the enviormental groups have 59 plus lawsuits tieing up the courts preventing any sort of fire prevention in the state of California.

One thing that the news has not mentioned and more then likely will not is this. There are home fire systems that at first seem a little expensive but compared to rebuilding a whoile house and looseing ones personal items are not. These systems spray the house down with a fire retardent. You can also get systems that have sprinkler heads that water your house. Why this is not being mandatory for these nieghborhoods is mind boggeling. I guess however that the insurance companies do not mind forking out millions of dollars every couple years to rebuild a couple dozen homes.

The left nutbase is in full attack mode. From assinine statments made by harry Reid. Blamming the fires on global warming.
“One reason why we have the fires in California is global warming,” Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) told reporters Tuesday.

To radio left talk saying this is all arson. Then implying it is a right wing act to seek vengence on those who oppose them.

Randi Rhodes, a left mainstay in the arena of nutroots from the left says this.
"I started just doing Google searches to try and figure out. You know, arson, arson, it was like crazy trying to figure out why is that being downplayed? Why is that, you know, just a small part of the story? And you know, every time I look for it what comes up, believe it or not, is that Blackwater wants to move to San Diego and build this giant complex in San Diego right where most of the evacuations are taking place and you know.

You just know wherever there is fire, this administration will be out there doing what it does best and that is fanning the flames, you know. It just spooks me, I can’t explain to you how creepy this whole thing is that you know, you’ve got these fires. Some of them are thought to be the work of arsonists and in the same breath you’ve got a community that’s on fire that just recently protested Blackwater West.

Just recently said no to Blackwater and apparently you don’t do that. I mean, I don’t even know what to think. You know, nobody is saying Blackwater set the fires, that is nobody that doesn’t want their house burned down. Nobody is saying that, but it is all so bizarre that this is America and you have to sort of sit there and wonder … arson, same place Blackwater West wants to be, people protesting. And then you find out that some of the guys that used to work for Blackwater are now in Schwarzenegger’s administration. It’s all so creepy."

Am I misreading this? Does she actually imply that a private company, one she opposes. Is actually behind these fire. That because a certain town did not want them to set up shop there is burned down as retribution. That possible connections to the Schwazenegger administration is backing the fires? Is she out of her mind? I guess she has to come up with something to take the heat off her poor publicity stunt, blamming right wingers of mugging her. When it looks more like she was over intoxicated yet again and fell down.

Not wanting to be left out of the conspirocy theatre. Mike Malloy, another left wing blowhard goes even further. He actually insinuates that the Bush family is behind the fires in some way.

Mike Malloy stated the following Oct.23rd on air:
It's being manipulated, we're all being manipulated, we are being shifted, refocused, not to minimize what's going on in California at all. But you know, the thought hit me today, God help me for this, or somebody help me, but the thought hit me today, um, all those fires, I had a thought, what the hell is causing the fires? They're all over the place, they're 40, 50, 60, 100, 150 fires, boom boom boom boom, what's causing that?!

They're not having electrical storms out there, they're not having any storms at all. What's causing it? But then the answer popped into my head, as easily as the answer about torture. The fires are being set, the fires are being set by elements of the Bush crime family. It's a great distraction, it's a wonderful distraction. And then I thought to myself, Jesus God! Did you really have that thought?! And the answer came back - yeah, loud and 'effing clear."

This is just plain insanity coming from these morons. For them to actually ever be considered as having any creditablity they must retract these absurdities or else show some sort of proof to thier liable and slander.

If they were to come out with any reasonable theories would be one thing. Yet here it is all Bush bashing and hatred for conservatives. If they had proposed a theory of ILLEGAL aliens accidentally starting some of these fires. Or as I have read on some other blogs, the Mexican drug Cartels in an attempt to move officials from the boarder. These are more plausable then what Rhodes, Malloy insinuate. A camp fire gets out of control from illegals and they flee for fear of being arrested. Drug cartels come up with a diversionary tactic to try and move drugs that would more then likely be caught this time coming across the boarder.

I would even support the idea that a lone, hate filled , moronic, idiot is out there trying to set these fires in order to please some sick internal phycosis that he may have.

Next we have Pelosi, Boxer and even the Lt Govenor from California blamming the deployment of California national guard to Iraq as the reason for the fires. ow this above all else is the most ridiculas thing I have heard. With around only 2000 guard deployed to Iraq, there are more then 17,000 left in state. Camp Pendleton has mobilized several thousand Marines, on standby to go and help with the fires.

Demoicratic strategists are backing away from the "no military or guard left to help" ideas , but still are hinting that the guard needs to be brought back home from Iraq. That the deployment of their equipment may be a factor in the fires being so out of hand.

This is just stupid. Fire officials have said and done this. When the fire starts to blaze and move at a rapid pace they pull men out of harms way and let it burn. It is not a lck of manpower or that of equipment. What they have is a firestorm with winds gusting at 100 miles an hour. Man just has not the technology at this time to stand in front of this and stop it. Man has to wait to for the right moment and then jump on it.

Of course alot of the damage could have been prevented if tree and brush thinning was allowed. If a better code on the use of fire resistant material was in place. Then lastly if enviormentalist would pull their heads out of that dark place they keep them, and use some common sense in land managment.

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  • I'm Devious Mind
  • From Denver, Colorado, United States
  • Good judgemnt comes from experiance. Experiance comes from bad judgement. Karma, its a bitch.
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