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Sunday, October 14, 2007 

Denver Nanny Schools

Debate, after debate on Denver schools will be happening between now and election time. The teachers want more pay, the school district needs money. Closeing of 8 local schools in an attempt to sway voters. Just a few of the topics for consideration by voters this fall.

Something Denver voters and all Colorado voters ned to consider is the ever enlargeing nanny statre that is developing. Asmany school districts are removing recess and playtime for children. Afraid they may fall down and scrape a knee, then asking and teaching children propaganda and calling it a convenant truth. Now the DPS has once again overstepped its authority.

School sends home obesity notices with students. What you ask, obesity notices? Yeppers obesity notices. Centennial K-8 School on Monday 8 October sent home with student a health notice. It listed her height, weight and body mass index – a measure of body fat. Underneath the listing it had a marking next to the status "overweight."

DPS issued this statement Thursday afternoon: "In an effort to help ensure our students' health, Denver Public Schools provides parents with their child's hearing, vision, and body mass index (BMI) results in a sealed envelope that is sent home with the students.(why is the school district playing medical advisor?). DPS feels compelled to inform parents about these very important health screening results and provide information about making healthier choices.(Whos idea of healthier? We know of a push to make cafeterias vegitarian with no choice in other parts of this country.So whos idea are they following?)The health of our students is very important to us and we wish to be part of the solution, given the nation's childhood obesity epidemic."

So if there is this epidemic of obesity why is there such a push to keep physical education out of the school. With emphisis being placed on increaseing arts and humanity studies? Does it not make sense to have phys ed and allow games of tag and dodge ball during recess? Activities that keep the youth moving and busy.

How much nannism will the voters take in the raiseing of thier children? As it stands, alot. If the health of the students is such a huge concearn from DPS, why are they not cracking down on drugs and gangs in the schools? Why are they so afraid of letting kids be kids at play?

Just another progressive thinking, social engineering stunt by social engineers calling themselves teachers.

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  • I'm Devious Mind
  • From Denver, Colorado, United States
  • Good judgemnt comes from experiance. Experiance comes from bad judgement. Karma, its a bitch.
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