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Saturday, August 30, 2008 

The Left, A mirror, and a .45

How low can one sink in the pursuit of their political ideas and goals? Just to what level of the gutter should we allow politics in this country to sink?

With the announcement of Gov. Palin as the Republican nominee for the Vice Presidency less then 48 hours old, then progressive intellect (an oxymoron, highlight on the moron) of the extremist who want to rule our lives, our thought, and the way we live. have really gone into the tank on this one.

The current theory of these hate filled, deranged, lunatics is as follows.

In a Kos diary today, it is being alleged that Sarah Palin “faked” the pregnancy of her last child, a baby born with Down’s Syndrome. The claim is that it was her teen aged daughter’s child, not hers.

This complete absurdity and shameless insult to the Governor and her family is based on the belief that aliens are really trying to communicate with Al Gore and that 9/11 was an inside job perpetrated by a secrete society known as the illuminate.

The facts of their assumption:

A KOS diarist, Inky99 gave us the scurrilous diary headlined “Palin’s faked ‘pregnancy’? Covering for teen daughter?,” That Governor Palin covered up her own teenage daughter’s teen pregnancy by pretending it is her own child instead of her daughter’s.

It appears that Pallin’s last child, a baby with Down’s syndrome, may not be hers. It may be that of her teenage daughter.

The diarist gives a story from the Anchorage Daily News that does not in any way prove the diarist’s claim — nor even broach the subject of a faked pregnancy, for that matter.

Inky99, the Kos diarist then goes on to claim that the “proof” of this claim is that Palin’s teenage daughter was sick and out of public eye for a few months earlier in the year.

The real reason her daughter was missing school?Apparently her teenage daughter was out of school, unseen, for months, because she “had mono”.

Now that to me shows how incredibly stupid and fearful the left are of some one who has family values and morals. Lets say that the newly born boy is the daughters (hypothetically to follow along this absurd line of thinking). Then it shows a love and capability for mercy and compassion that Gov. Palin has within her heart. There is no scandal at all. After all the left and progressive degenerates want our teenagers to be having sex. Are they not the ones who are flooding our schools with sex education and contraceptives? Supporting or should I say corrupting our youth as young as 10 with the usage of how contraceptives should be employed.

To further demonstrate the outlandish accusations from these pretenders of being educated. Here are what some of them are saying:

Commenter psilocynic posted, “Ethics violations out the ass. And she covered for her unwed prego teen! this keeps getting better! History, my dear kossacks. We are watching the death of the rethugican party!” (???? huh?????)

Concernedamerican posted “She decided not to take maternity leave with this pregnancy!!!! What’s up with that? With a special needs baby?” (some women despite this persons belief, do continue to work instead of shedding a work ethic for the stay on the couch and be pregnant. This epitomises the feminist movement doesn't it? Demonstrating she is strong enough to work and be pregnant at the same time?)

“Kind of hypocritical to push abstinence programs in schools and then cover up your own teenage daughter’s pregnancy with a lie that you had the baby yourself, don't cha think?” continued this oh so bright thinker.

One small voice of some reason did post the following rational thought:

alkalinesky posted, "I have a very good friend that had a baby with severe Downs at age 20. It happens.That said, I think we need to absolutely leave this alone until we have more evidence. Pursue public records, newspaper articles, whatever to confirm the story, and then diary."

(the fact there is a call for further investigation is amazing to say the least, but what follows is as expected. Alkalinesky proved that rational, logical thinking does not last long with the left.)

"She was back to work in 3 days with a baby with Downs? Are you kidding me? Do you know how many MD appointments you have in the first couple of weeks with a healthy baby, let alone one with Downs? This is fishy."

(see how quickly this person changes their mind and joins in the lefts derangement. It took only two postings and 15 minutes.)

Another poster had this to say about Gov. Palin's daughter:

blackandaztec posted: "Palin supposedly went into labor in the plane going to Alaska from Texas. She also supposedly went back to work 2-3 days after she gave birth. That doesn't sound quite right with a special needs child. Secondly she talked about breast feeding her son, but she is seriously flat. In that people magazine shot, her daughters boobs looked pretty full to me. Something just doesn't sound right."

(Her daughter is 17. A comment like that on her daughters physical appearance is out of line. Yes I have seen the picture referred to. It is a very nice family picture and does not invite such rude and perverted statements.)

Is this the type of campaign we have to look forward to. Obama surrogates, making false and disturbing comments and accusations against the republican candidates and their families. All the while crying foul when their candidates and families make public statements and are used in a manner to obtain votes and support.

The left has a vision of a one way street. The street only goes in the direction that they want and they get upset when reality, and the truth gets in the way.
The left needs to take a long look in the mirror at themselves and see if they can look into their own eyes and swallow this crap that they are dishing out. If not then the .45 is self explanatory.

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  • I'm Devious Mind
  • From Denver, Colorado, United States
  • Good judgemnt comes from experiance. Experiance comes from bad judgement. Karma, its a bitch.
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