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Monday, May 09, 2005 


What happens when the judicial system fails? What happens when criminals get away with blatent violent crimes? I will tell you because it is true Vigilantism. Groups like the Sombra Negra form and take the law into thier own hands. Is this good? Perhaps. Is it bad, well only if you are a criminal. The ever so better then thou leftists here in the United States would have you believe that the Minute Man Project is a radical racist group of gun toteing rednecks who want to use Latino's as target practice. So far from the truth is this that I have to bring to your attention the Black Shadow. Sombra Negra, a group of mythical and very real police and military types in the central Americas who have been forced to take the law into thier own hands.

Crime in central America reached such a point that the courts wear afraid to punish let alone bring to court criminals and then those who were brought ended up bribing thier way free. Coehersion, bribary and blackmail made justice almost impossible. Thus law enfocement and military members went underground and took the law into thier own hands. Yes comparisons may be made about this and Americas history of the old west to a point. Many may feel or argue that Judge Roy Bean was bad, I argue that he delt swift and fair justice from his bar stool. A personality we could definately use today. Anyway back to topic, the Sombra Negra has taken the law rather powerfully into thier hands. They have groups like the Mara Salvatrucha wetting thier beds. This is why these punks are now in the United States. It is because they operate under the radar as ILLEGAL aliens and know that are legal system is going to be soft on them as these poor soles have had a troubled life in a third world nation where they fear for thier lives BECAUSE THEY ARE CRIMINALS!
Yes you liberal bleeding heart morons they are criminals and running from punishment in thier own country. They are not seeking asylum here but easy targets so that they can continue thier punk ways. Common sense dictates that if you have the option of faceing justice or fleeing to a place where you can continue youre criminal ways you would take the fleeing. Why face justice when you can come to America and continue to threaten, rape and murder at will.
These punks know that we are tied down with a legal system that even if caught tried and found guilty the chance of serving any real sentance beyond a couple years is nonexisitent.
Send them home, deport them you say. Hell yeah I agree, if deported bacjk to thier country they will face the justice of SOMBRA NEGRA, which they so justly deserve.

Google MARA SALVATRUCHA, read about these punks and then tell me they have a right to be here. Learn how they target the police and officials just for fun. Then tell me they deserve a chance to start anew here. Read how they ambush and kill thier victems (a chicken pathetic way to murder someone from behind, only a coward does this). Learn how to be a man you have to kill some inocent (yeah what a real man this is to kill an inocent and do it in a cowards way).
You liberals think that vigilantes are here in the States, not yet. Mark my words though if we do not bring these degeneratres to justice and put them away behind bars and execute murders we will have vigilantism here. It will come in a big way then you will beg for the days of the Minute Man Project , and like groups.
I do not favor the Sombra Negra, however with the revolving doors of our legal system and the likes of bleeding heart activists who scream racism and injustice for criminals I cannot condem then Sombra Negra either.

SUBNOTE: Google the Sombra Negra, Mara Salvatrucha , along with the history of central America find the source of this and then google the Latin organizations that are infesting collage campuses. Read and learn , draw your own conclusions. I think you we see if we do not do something now about ill3egal immigration, Judge Roy Bean will be reborn in another back room of a bar and the Sombra Negra (Black Shadow) will be here to deal justice.

who is the author of this? it doesnt really say. if you see this author id like to talk with you. please leve some kind of contact info or something. thanks.

As I recall I saw something on cable. I believe it was National Geo or discovery. It talked about MS-13 and the threat they pose. So a few google searches and ask.com.

I am the author of all the blogs unless noted by a link or website mention here.

I take an interest in a topic. Try to find two to three background referances that give me as many different sides to the story the drwa my own conclusions. Then I write my opinion on the topic.

As for contact there is an e-mail link on the blog to contact me.

Thankyou for takong an interst in my blog be it in agrement or disagrement. I look foward to a civil discussion on all topics.

dude, this article is awesome, but just so you know, experience is spelled with an e instead of an a. you wrote experiance. it's experience.just thought i'd let you know.

i 'm from el escuadron de la muerte and believe me we feed up with those useless ms-13 starting 10/31/2009 la sombra negra will start to patrolling most of the danger places in el salvador cause,police can't handle it,so i think is great this article,but you got to be and our shoes to understand complete why we doing this,anyway la sombra negra is the same as los escuadrones de la muerte,in usa are 25 members of la sombra negra but, thanks god this country is amazing but if we has to act and behalf of we will do it too.

Wow ...! Guys, did any of you even make it through fifth grade? I have never seen such a poor display of grammar and spelling in my entire fifty years of life ! I totally agree with your concepts and ideas , but what do you say we face it all in a more intelligent and academic fashion. If you want to come off as someone who knows their stuff, start buy using spell check and grammar check.

.....you said buy when you meant by,.....so don't be a hypocrite

@anonymous, your focus on the incorrect grammar makes no sense here. Obviously English is a second language for my man. How many languages do you read, write and speak? To those that know about these Ms-13 putos we understand what we are dealing with. Here in the D.C metro area we have over 2000 strong. Wish we could make them "disappear". Many of us would welcome an organization like La Sombra Negra.

The group is alive and well. Justicia se hara. Punto. M.A.L.M.13.

i not worrie to much about the spelling situation,i just want to keep on be alert and take down these motherF.,i'm a member from la sonbra negra and we operate here in los angeles to el salvador,thanks god here the system work compare to our country,one thing i want to make clear is we do kill only criminals that we confirm that are what the word meant criminals i'm also proud to serve this country that had give soo much.

Thank you for bringing to light the reason we need brave citizens to take matters into their own hands. I respect groups like Sombra Negra, I only wish there were more of these groups for violent criminals, especially child predators. You're dead on when you state our (USA) judicial system has become somewhat of a joke. Every time a sex offender comes in to the police station to register, I imagine myself stomping my 5" stiletto through their fucking eye...why do we have so many organizations lobbying to protect these monsters and their "rights"...what about the victim? A few years incarcerated and out for good behavior, yeah welcome to America!!

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  • I'm Devious Mind
  • From Denver, Colorado, United States
  • Good judgemnt comes from experiance. Experiance comes from bad judgement. Karma, its a bitch.
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