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Friday, July 14, 2006 

Text Book Strategy

You do not have to look very far to see text book strategy from the Isrealis. Isreal has not only writen but exemplifies precision strategies. From the raid on Entebi to todays isolation of Hezbollah in Lebannon.

Bombing the airport, eliminating air escape, taking out bridges and roads, Hezbollah is crying foul. They find themselves with thier backs literally up against a wall.

No chance of escape even by sea as Isreals naval force has sea routes blockaded. This military plan will be studied for years to come. As bleeding heart morons call out falsly on Isreals actions, claiming it is Isreal who is the aggressor on this. We see Isreal not backing down on any front.

We look at where is are the terrorist, and who is supporting them. Isreal has isolated and now slowly encloses the circle. Elimination of escape and resupply routes, now leaves a siege in effect. As history tells us sieges are very effective, sometimes long in thier proccess, but effective.

Public opinion on support for Hezbollah now fades and enimies from within the Lebanies lands grows. Even is the Arab world support fades, Saudi Arabia has come out to condem Hezbollah's actions.

With out this support the terrorists of Hezbollah have no where to go except to the grave .... and that is where Isreal plans on sending them.

Air strikes to take out bridges and the airport, along with missle fire is keeping this campaign from taking the on the cannon fodder aspect we so often see from many encounters. Removal of northern roads going into Syria, leave little travel possible in this direction. As little aid may work its way south from Damascas. To the south Egypt, who is remaining silent has the boarder still closed to travel. Of coarse this is being monitered very closely by Isreali forces, yet with Egypts wanting to remain out of this is still playing a big role freeing up Isreali assests.

Currently Isreal has not commited any real ground troops to the mix. A call to reservists is in place , which means Isreal has plans to use them and we shall see text book chess moves to come with these troops.

Lets recapp what has happened. Removal of escape and resupply routes, turning of public opinion, acurate bombings of emplacements. A text book siege by the Isrealis on terrorism.

We see the real string pullers making threats and accusations toward Isreal, but do they (Iran, and Syria) really want to be smacked down by Isreal? Not really.

As in the past we see Isreal writing the book, with chapters still to come. In my opiniom the largest and most important note to this text boook is the fact that Isreal is going all out. No debate by left leaning socialists, who want to kowtow to terrorist. In other words the Isrealis have listened to our own Genral Sherman ... "Leave soldiering to soldiers and politics to politicians."

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  • I'm Devious Mind
  • From Denver, Colorado, United States
  • Good judgemnt comes from experiance. Experiance comes from bad judgement. Karma, its a bitch.
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