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Monday, September 11, 2006 

One, two many Beers

I think I have solved the whole thing, or maybe the beer has. All you leftist conspirocy nuts listen up and I will tell the real tale of government conspirocies.

Many years ago in a cold dark windowless room somewhere on the Yale Campus, there sat a group of Illuminati. Now when I say many years ago I mean many years ago long before WWII even. This goes back over a hundred years in the plotting.

You wonder why Jimmy Hoffa dissapeared ... quick answer because the unions were cut out of the oil profiets and Jimmy was going to the press about it.

The plotting and scemeing began with the Illuminati, as we all know they have picked the presidents for this country for "like ever man". Anyways this group wanting to control the worlds natural resources and be the true power over things decided to set forth the acts which ended in the 9/11 events.

As the world progressed and evolved into three camps. Camp one the developing marxists and socialist who will one day inherit the earth or so they think with enlightened progressive thinking. Camp two those who are religious zelots, oops I mean third world theocracy, no ooops again , oppressed muslims. Yeah thats what we will call the second camp. Oppressed (lmfao)muslims. The thrid and most devious camp. The one in which the Illuminati operate and thrive ... The Imperialistic Empire of America.

Now we have to jump foward in time a little to show how the plot thickened and where some of the technology came from to pull 9/11 off.

As we know there were no airplanes, no passengers ever on board. That holograms were used to cover up the demolition charges that were planted and to hide the rocket fired in to the Pentagon by military officials who are being blackmailed by the Illuminati.

We jump to the third big conspirocy in American history. The first two being the cover up that Christopher Columbus personally used biological weapons on not only indiginouse people, but fished for dolphins in the carribean. The second being the civil war. We all know and of coarse jessie Jackson and Louis Farriecon will explain that no slaves were ever freed but slavery is still thriving in America.

I digress, beer makes me think clearly. Anyways the third cover up being the true alien invaders (not those who cross the boarder in the dark of the night) who were luckely shot down by a .50cal machine gunner at Roswell Airbase. In the examination of the wreckage advance technology was found and turned over to top scientists , who naturally worked for the Illuminati. Here advance weapons and camoflage, along with communication equipment was disected and rebuilt to earth use.

How else do you explain cell phones,hip hop music, and HDTV? With out this the fourth biggest conspirocy would never been able to have been pulled off. Of course mary man never walked on the moon it was all filmed in a studio near Laredo Texas.

With this new found tech the Illuminati came closer and closer to their goal. The invasion of the middle east. In the mean time Sir Lawrence of Britian, secretly in the employ of the Illuminati tried real hard to unit the muslim world andf organize new slaves for the aristocracy in the all White Europe society that is known as Washington D.C.

Backing the farce we call the holocaust, which the Iranians have proven to be false. Useing scientific procedures and plain old detective work they have uncovered that no jews were ever killed or mistreated by the Germans. In fact the were secreted away to tropical islands off the coast of Argentina. The Illuminati set forth plans to develope and corner the automobile market by exploration of oil fields in the middle east. Much of this under the noses of the rightful owners to these resources. The oppressed muslims.

Now fast fowarding again to the election in 2000. In a dark windowless room a new generation of Illuminati makes a bold move to tkae the oil fields. Seeing thier chance witrh the happy go lucky Bill Clinton. A good guy who would never do anything wrong for is he not married to the "smartest women ever". They see a way to tarnish his image and put one of their puppets into power.

Seduceing President Clinton with a young enthusiastic girl. Someone who could distract Clinton from the real issues and then make him look bad, possibley ruin his marriage and put a black mark finnaly on the enlightened progressive thinking movemnet. Enter Monica Lewdinski. A Marta Hari of the 90's.

Eagerly she gulped down her assignmnet hoping to trap this enlightened President of the people. Unfortunately a few juinor Illuminati in Congress jumped the gun and exposed Monica too soon before she could get the real goods on this man.

Now Bill Clinton being on top of interest to this country he had to be distracted before he could expose the Illuminati. So the sham of impeachment ws brought. Again jumped on by Illuminati juniors.

Now the election over with and an Illuminati puppet in place, it was time to make their move. Having secretly placed ontop of other buildings all around NewYork by CBS, and ABC technical engineers, covered as transmitters for the networks. Holographic imagine machines were placed. The union now clearly under the control of vicious and cruel leaders, who got rid of Jimmy (expained above) years ago. The planting of several pounds. Yeah thats right only several pounds of a plastic explosive that was developed with discoveries from Roswell. Were placed throught out the twin towers and building 7.

Everything inplace all that was needed was an excuse or a diversion to happen. Knowing ahead of time that Katrina would not hit New Orleans for 4 more years. This because the weather control machine was preprogramed for this. They decided to go with an impromptu Presidential book reading trip.

The real Power, Dick Chenny then called his subordinate George Bush and said to him to take a trip and be in the public eye for a while.

Remember the ten minute wait? It was Bush waiting for the all clear on the biological weapons that have been released but hushed up by the ultra right wing controled news media (code for the Illuminati again)on to the unsuspecting American citizens. How else do you explain this sudden mass health problems from those at ground zero. Could not be the concrete dust and asbestis because this stuff was removed from the buildings to make the buildings less structually sound and easier to collapse.

Now thew holographic projectors on and running, a lone trigger man not on a grassy knoll but in a tall building across the city, and a team of missle techs off shore. Wham, Bam, whooose, collapse. 9/11 happened. Haliburton (a misspelling of Illuminati) takes control of the oil fields in the middle east.

This is what happened. Or so a beer induced coma can come up with. It is fun to theorise on things and make up stories all in the name of absurdity. However when it comes to 9/11, the Arabs blew it up and declared war on the west. No planted bombs. No high tech alien gear. Just some highjackers on a suicide mission. All in the misguided name of Allah. This is what happend. Two highjacked planes, 19 terrorist, 3000 innocents, the aplause from Islamofacists, and a war of freedom versus oppression.

Where were you when this happened and what are you doing about it now?

About me

  • I'm Devious Mind
  • From Denver, Colorado, United States
  • Good judgemnt comes from experiance. Experiance comes from bad judgement. Karma, its a bitch.
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