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Monday, October 30, 2006 

Things to consider

With the midterm elections just a heartbeat away there are a few things nationally and locally that need to be thought about. When you go in to cast your vote think long and hard about the future not the here and now.

1) Who do you want on the judicial bench? Appointees that legislate or Judges who uphold the legal persecution of those who break the law.

2) Do you want your city to be an amnesty city for law breakers. Those who delibretly and knowinly committe crimes then hide behind thier ethniticity, by claiming harrassment when stopped. All the while sponging off and stealing from American citizens.

3) New social/welfare programs that are paid for out of your pocket for those who do not have any motivation to accomplish anything.

4) If you are struggeling to pay the bills now, do you want a new increase in inflation that will make it virtually impossible to pay the bills because of the perpetrated lie called increase in minumum wage,(economics 101 states that prices on everything will increase at a rate higher then cost normal to pay for this)

5) How do you feel about national security and international respect. Do you want the boarders secure and the world to respect our decisions, or do you want them to poo poo the United States and lack any respect for our national policies and soviegnty.

6) Do you want a Congress and a Senate that will be a do nothing, full of accusational investigations that gridlock government for at least two years in the pursuit of political payback.

7) Where do you stand on American pride. Are you tired of seeing the flag and christian values removed from public life in the name of political correctness.

8) Do you support or oppose the military?

9) Is it not time to have the laws enforced not bent and ignored.

10) Do you favor in redistribution of wealth and the punishment of those who strive to achieve , or do you support rewarding those who are slackers and want without earning.

These are just some of the things one needs to consider when you go into vote. It isnt a matter of what you think about the current administration, the war or the economy. What you need to consider is what does the future hold. Look at Europe and the problems they are having do to political correctness. The loss of individual nationalism and pride. The removal of national symbols because they are politically incorrect. (examle the Union Jack in Britian not allowed to fly over certain offices because it offends a few. France in caos because it left its boarders open and did not give enough handouts to slackers and Muslims.)

The big picture on what the adgenda for our nation is going to be. Do you want extremists running the show. Those who do not value simple basic morals in favor of not offending anyone. Or do you want mature people in charge who can respect other ideas while maintaining thier core beliefs.

This midterm election is more then a referrendum on the current administration it is a referrendum on American values and way of life. Do we move foward and maintain a republic of the people , by the people and for the people, or do we turn socialist and make a country that is for the few, supported by the masses? (not true socialism but real world socialism).

About me

  • I'm Devious Mind
  • From Denver, Colorado, United States
  • Good judgemnt comes from experiance. Experiance comes from bad judgement. Karma, its a bitch.
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