Secrete Service Investigates
Its a little late but better then not checking it out. Despite this young girls protests and false indignation I hope she learned her lesson. A lesson her parents should have taught her before she turned 14. As a matter of fact she she should have learned this fact long before in a much sooner civics class.
Just what am I talking about. Well I shall tell you. Julia Wilson posted on her anti war drivel that was more then likely drilled into her from the liberal teaching establishment. Also the ACLU seems to be totally amiss on this topic as they are lawyers and should know the law. It is a federal offense to threaten the sitting President of the United States in any manner .... ARE YOU LISTENING JOHN KERRY (refering to his not funny quip on the Bill Mahers show).
This is what got her an interview with secrete service investigators. She posted a picture of the president, scrawled "Kill Bush" across the top and drew a dagger stabbing his outstretched hand. Later, she replaced her page on the social-networking site after learning in her eighth-grade history class that such threats are a federal offense. Now eight grade civics is good and all but this is a fact I learned in elementary school .... AGAINST THE LAW TO THREATEN A SITTING PRESIDENT.
In Julias mind she was only venting her so called disdain with the Iraq war. So she
vented her frustrations with President Bush last spring on her Web page. Granted she removed the offense after learning it was a fedseral offense. However now she wants to organise her felllow students on the internet and oppose the war.
Julia's parents are upset that she was questioned with out their pressance. Frankly they should be thankful that they live in America, and thier daughter didnt just dissapear .... like in oh say Iraq during Saddams rule.
Her parents said the agents were justified in questioning her over her posting. But they said they believe agents went too far by not waiting until she was out of school.
They also said the agents should have more quickly figured out they weren't dealing with a real danger. Ultimately, the agents told the teen they would delete her investigation file.
With them saying this I wonder if they pay attention to the misguided youth of today. Personally I think there would be more of a threat from some brainwashed teen in school then the proffesor in Wisconsin coming up with absurd conspirocy theories.
I just can not recall any case in where a prof flipped out and killed anyone for political reasons lately.
Now Julia has all the rights in the world to express her antiwat opinions. However with her being at the sensitive age of mush brain I suggest since she surfs the net she get intouch with those who are in the Iraqi war. Talk to the Iraqi bloggers who are sending out reports complewtely opposite of our MSM. She needs to do a history search into the troubles of the region going back to the early days before Muhamahd then origional terrorists. She needs to look at how the countries came to be as they are now. How the Persians, Kurds, Nomads all came about. Then look at the abuse and lazyness of the Arabic community and how they oppress the imported workers from third world nations.
Then she may want to rethink her stance on being antiwar.
Just what am I talking about. Well I shall tell you. Julia Wilson posted on her anti war drivel that was more then likely drilled into her from the liberal teaching establishment. Also the ACLU seems to be totally amiss on this topic as they are lawyers and should know the law. It is a federal offense to threaten the sitting President of the United States in any manner .... ARE YOU LISTENING JOHN KERRY (refering to his not funny quip on the Bill Mahers show).
This is what got her an interview with secrete service investigators. She posted a picture of the president, scrawled "Kill Bush" across the top and drew a dagger stabbing his outstretched hand. Later, she replaced her page on the social-networking site after learning in her eighth-grade history class that such threats are a federal offense. Now eight grade civics is good and all but this is a fact I learned in elementary school .... AGAINST THE LAW TO THREATEN A SITTING PRESIDENT.
In Julias mind she was only venting her so called disdain with the Iraq war. So she
vented her frustrations with President Bush last spring on her Web page. Granted she removed the offense after learning it was a fedseral offense. However now she wants to organise her felllow students on the internet and oppose the war.
Julia's parents are upset that she was questioned with out their pressance. Frankly they should be thankful that they live in America, and thier daughter didnt just dissapear .... like in oh say Iraq during Saddams rule.
Her parents said the agents were justified in questioning her over her posting. But they said they believe agents went too far by not waiting until she was out of school.
They also said the agents should have more quickly figured out they weren't dealing with a real danger. Ultimately, the agents told the teen they would delete her investigation file.
With them saying this I wonder if they pay attention to the misguided youth of today. Personally I think there would be more of a threat from some brainwashed teen in school then the proffesor in Wisconsin coming up with absurd conspirocy theories.
I just can not recall any case in where a prof flipped out and killed anyone for political reasons lately.
Now Julia has all the rights in the world to express her antiwat opinions. However with her being at the sensitive age of mush brain I suggest since she surfs the net she get intouch with those who are in the Iraqi war. Talk to the Iraqi bloggers who are sending out reports complewtely opposite of our MSM. She needs to do a history search into the troubles of the region going back to the early days before Muhamahd then origional terrorists. She needs to look at how the countries came to be as they are now. How the Persians, Kurds, Nomads all came about. Then look at the abuse and lazyness of the Arabic community and how they oppress the imported workers from third world nations.
Then she may want to rethink her stance on being antiwar.
I happen to be a mixed bag on the Iraq war. For two reasons.... we could have gotten the job done in 1990. There wasn't as much anti American sentiment back then.
I was still in MOS training (yeah a boot) when we officially went to war back then. I had thoughts of failing out of MOS training just so I could become a grunt and head over there. There were other Marines that had the same thoughts. If I were a boot today... I'd probably try to get out on a medical discharge. Back then it would have been the right thing to do.
The second reason is because of all the anti American sentiment at present. We are pissing off the world. Our foreign policy is just an outright failure.
I still don't understand how we could go in and unseat Saddam after we helped him so much during the Iraq-Iran war. Iraq also happened to be very stable during his regime. During a recent interview Donald Trump stated "Saddam hated terrorist. Saddam killed terrorists".
Now look at Iraq. Multiple attacks happen in a single day. If I were an Iraqi, I'd probably be pissed off at the U.S. right now but since I don't live there, it's moot to gauge what the Iraqi people are really thinking.
Posted by
Anonymous |
9:10 PM
I am no mixed bag on the Iraq war. I was there in during Operation Desert Shield/Storm. Yes we could have and should have finished the job back then. As General Sherman said .. "leave soldiering to soldiers and polotics to politicians". Unfortunately ever since Korea politicians think they are all military stratagists.
International relations are a funny thing. Why do you suppose we put up with Mexicos crap all the time. We use Mexico as a buffer between us and The socalist governments further south. We are friendly to France because they are a part of NATO.
You should be well aware of the facts. Saddams regime was not this peaceful tranquil thing some want you to believe. Hie government was cruel and instilled fear among the populance. People dissapeared by the thousands under his rule. He was a huge supporter of international terrorism. His finacial sponsering and rewarding of suicide bombers families in the middle east was unparrelled. If you look at what is happening with these daily attacks/murders in Iraq you can easily see that they are to instill fear into certain aspects of Iraqi society. It is also the setteling of old scores between religious sects in Islam. A power grab if you will.
Posted by
Devious Mind |
6:45 AM