Iraq: What went Wrong
There are many theories and possibilities as to what has gone wrong in Iraq. However in its simplest form there is absolutely no doubt as to what went wrong over all. The fact politicians got involved and tried to tell the military how to do its job has got to be reason number 1 as to what not to do.
Lets face the truth. The military is designed and trained to kill and destroy the enemy and all threats to this country. Has the military been allowed to do this in Iraq? Nope not at all. It has been hamstrung by politicians from both sides of the political spectrum who have no clue on how the military should work. Thier (politicians) lack of fortitude to eliminate the enemy and or threat has lead to the current mess the MSM plays up every night and all day long.
Muqtarda Al oxi Sadr, or what ever his name is, is a prime example of politicians screwing this war up. Here we had a goon poseing as a leader that needed to be eliminated. Did we? NOOOOOOOOOOO! The politico's were afraid to do the needed thing and eliminate this problem before he got out of hand. What happened? The military was told to leave him alone and now look at him. He is one of the leading problems preventing a new government from operating in Iraq.
Both sides of the isle are to blame for this. It is not a republican nor a democrate thing but a lack of will by the elected officials of this country to act in a decisive manner. Meandering and trying to play politics with a war is absolute idiocy. The military was never given the freedom to do their job. By imposeing restrictions of engagement on them the enemy was and is able to play games at thier liesure.
The enemy has no respect for any honorable engagment, hiding in religious buildings, hospitals, and useing innocents to hide behind our politicians lack the testicular fortitude to go after them. "Oh but if it saves one innocent muslem". BULLPUCKY!!!!!!!!!! What about if it saves one AMERICAN life, huh????
Not allowing the military to enter into certain areas and take out those who are causeing the problem we promote the problem. You cannot make a cake without breaking a few eggs people.
We know despite MSM reporting or lack there of that "insurgents", trouble makers and terrorists are stirring the pot and causeing secular violance. With Al Sadr and Sunni's, having centuries of hatred for each other it is no wonder that terrorists are trying to use this to create more caos. Turn the people against each other and win thier hearts and minds, Sun Tzu taught this lesson centuries ago. It is about time politicians learned this lesson.
Bottom line is simple, we must let the military do its job and stop imposeing assine limitations on them.
Lets face the truth. The military is designed and trained to kill and destroy the enemy and all threats to this country. Has the military been allowed to do this in Iraq? Nope not at all. It has been hamstrung by politicians from both sides of the political spectrum who have no clue on how the military should work. Thier (politicians) lack of fortitude to eliminate the enemy and or threat has lead to the current mess the MSM plays up every night and all day long.
Muqtarda Al oxi Sadr, or what ever his name is, is a prime example of politicians screwing this war up. Here we had a goon poseing as a leader that needed to be eliminated. Did we? NOOOOOOOOOOO! The politico's were afraid to do the needed thing and eliminate this problem before he got out of hand. What happened? The military was told to leave him alone and now look at him. He is one of the leading problems preventing a new government from operating in Iraq.
Both sides of the isle are to blame for this. It is not a republican nor a democrate thing but a lack of will by the elected officials of this country to act in a decisive manner. Meandering and trying to play politics with a war is absolute idiocy. The military was never given the freedom to do their job. By imposeing restrictions of engagement on them the enemy was and is able to play games at thier liesure.
The enemy has no respect for any honorable engagment, hiding in religious buildings, hospitals, and useing innocents to hide behind our politicians lack the testicular fortitude to go after them. "Oh but if it saves one innocent muslem". BULLPUCKY!!!!!!!!!! What about if it saves one AMERICAN life, huh????
Not allowing the military to enter into certain areas and take out those who are causeing the problem we promote the problem. You cannot make a cake without breaking a few eggs people.
We know despite MSM reporting or lack there of that "insurgents", trouble makers and terrorists are stirring the pot and causeing secular violance. With Al Sadr and Sunni's, having centuries of hatred for each other it is no wonder that terrorists are trying to use this to create more caos. Turn the people against each other and win thier hearts and minds, Sun Tzu taught this lesson centuries ago. It is about time politicians learned this lesson.
Bottom line is simple, we must let the military do its job and stop imposeing assine limitations on them.