Gaston County gets it.
Slowly but surely local governments are starting to get it. What is it? It is what they are elected and appointed to do. That is take care of the citizens within thier area. One of the first counties to really understand that protecting and upholding the law is Gaston County.
To fullfill thier obligation to the citizenry several factors are needed to be looked at. One is the legal safety and another is the economical viability and saftey of those who pay the traxes that keep things running.
As anyone with half a brain can see, ILLEGAL ALIENS are not only a threat to job security from crooked and greedy criminal employers but a drain on taxpayer funds. They get free medical, legal protection all on the dime of the legal citizens back. The average citizen busts their butt to be able to afford medical insurance, car insurance and to be able to put food on the table. All the while ILEGAL ALIENS get free medical services when they get drunk and wreck their uninsured automobiles, and are eligable for food stamps while Americans are not. Is this fair? Is this right? HELL NO.
Gaston County has now taken steps to try and right this problem. The resolution, passed Thursday, blames people living here illegally rightfully so,for a variety of social ills, and also orders county officials to limit their ability to live and work in the county.
"Is it right for people that are not citizens of this country to receive tax dollars through services that have been paid for by people that are citizens of this country?" he said. "If we can determine that taxpayer dollars in Gaston County are going to provide services for illegal residents, then we need to stop as much of that as humanly possible."
The resolution also directs county departments not to contract with companies that hire illegal immigrants, and it calls for a limit on the number of people who can live in rental homes.
Gaston County has joined a small group of local governments, such as those in Hazelton, Pa., and Valley Park, Mo., that have passed measures aimed at discouraging illegal immigrants from staying in their communities. Last year Mecklenburg commissioners defeated a proposal to deny some county services to illegal immigrants, and another measure that would have denied county contracts to employers found to have hired undocumented workers.
More than half of the estimated 600,000 Hispanics in the North Carolina are believed to be in the country illegally. According to 2005 Census Bureau figures, about 9,500 Hispanics live in Gaston County, which has a population of about 196,000.
The resolution cites the growing illegal immigration for contributing to overcrowded schools, highway deaths and increasing crime. It also says communities are impacted by illegal immigrants' "lack of social and personal health care standards."
Angeles Ortega-Moore, executive director of the Latin American Coalition in Charlotte, called the resolution insensitive and said it created an "us vs. them sentiment."
She is right , it is an us versus them situation. It is us ands our way of life being subverted and changed to suit thier culture. One in which they supposedly left to better themselves from. A cutlure that they are recreating in a massive way here in America. We no longer have poor sides of town but barrios in which American citizens can not even travel without being assaulted in. A culture that is full of crime and sexism.
Instead of changeing our way of life to suit their needs and take care of these who would flagrently violate our laws and morals, how about they change to fit our society and way of life.
I for one am real tired of haveing to get a translator at Mc Donalds in order to get some fries and a big mac. It is time to take care of our own before we take care of the nieghborhood. It is time for more local governments and more importantly for people to stand up and say "HEY THIS IS AMERICA. WE SPEAK ENGLISH HERE. WE HAVE LAWS AND MORALS. YOU ARE WLECOME TO COME HERE BUT YOU HAVE TO CONFORM TO OUR STANDARDS, NOT RECREATE YOUR LOW STANDARDS OF THE BACKWATER CESSPOOL YOU FLED."
To fullfill thier obligation to the citizenry several factors are needed to be looked at. One is the legal safety and another is the economical viability and saftey of those who pay the traxes that keep things running.
As anyone with half a brain can see, ILLEGAL ALIENS are not only a threat to job security from crooked and greedy criminal employers but a drain on taxpayer funds. They get free medical, legal protection all on the dime of the legal citizens back. The average citizen busts their butt to be able to afford medical insurance, car insurance and to be able to put food on the table. All the while ILEGAL ALIENS get free medical services when they get drunk and wreck their uninsured automobiles, and are eligable for food stamps while Americans are not. Is this fair? Is this right? HELL NO.
Gaston County has now taken steps to try and right this problem. The resolution, passed Thursday, blames people living here illegally rightfully so,for a variety of social ills, and also orders county officials to limit their ability to live and work in the county.
"Is it right for people that are not citizens of this country to receive tax dollars through services that have been paid for by people that are citizens of this country?" he said. "If we can determine that taxpayer dollars in Gaston County are going to provide services for illegal residents, then we need to stop as much of that as humanly possible."
The resolution also directs county departments not to contract with companies that hire illegal immigrants, and it calls for a limit on the number of people who can live in rental homes.
Gaston County has joined a small group of local governments, such as those in Hazelton, Pa., and Valley Park, Mo., that have passed measures aimed at discouraging illegal immigrants from staying in their communities. Last year Mecklenburg commissioners defeated a proposal to deny some county services to illegal immigrants, and another measure that would have denied county contracts to employers found to have hired undocumented workers.
More than half of the estimated 600,000 Hispanics in the North Carolina are believed to be in the country illegally. According to 2005 Census Bureau figures, about 9,500 Hispanics live in Gaston County, which has a population of about 196,000.
The resolution cites the growing illegal immigration for contributing to overcrowded schools, highway deaths and increasing crime. It also says communities are impacted by illegal immigrants' "lack of social and personal health care standards."
Angeles Ortega-Moore, executive director of the Latin American Coalition in Charlotte, called the resolution insensitive and said it created an "us vs. them sentiment."
She is right , it is an us versus them situation. It is us ands our way of life being subverted and changed to suit thier culture. One in which they supposedly left to better themselves from. A cutlure that they are recreating in a massive way here in America. We no longer have poor sides of town but barrios in which American citizens can not even travel without being assaulted in. A culture that is full of crime and sexism.
Instead of changeing our way of life to suit their needs and take care of these who would flagrently violate our laws and morals, how about they change to fit our society and way of life.
I for one am real tired of haveing to get a translator at Mc Donalds in order to get some fries and a big mac. It is time to take care of our own before we take care of the nieghborhood. It is time for more local governments and more importantly for people to stand up and say "HEY THIS IS AMERICA. WE SPEAK ENGLISH HERE. WE HAVE LAWS AND MORALS. YOU ARE WLECOME TO COME HERE BUT YOU HAVE TO CONFORM TO OUR STANDARDS, NOT RECREATE YOUR LOW STANDARDS OF THE BACKWATER CESSPOOL YOU FLED."
Sorry, "Tree of Liberty," I live in Gaston County, and I'm ashamed of our County Commissioners for passing this ridiculous resolution. As the article you are citing points out, the practical impact on a day-to-day basis will be minimal. Thank God emergency medical care and public education is federally mandated to anyone and everyone in our communities.
Your opinion is just flat-out racist/bigoted and ignorant. I hope to God the people in Denver are smarter than the idiots in Gaston County who passed this measure. I'll be remembering each one of them by name the next election -- so I can vote their asses off!
Steve K.
Posted by
Anonymous |
1:53 PM
First as alsways thankyou for taking the time to stop and read this blog.
Yes it is a good thing that medical services and schools are federally mandated. It seems this is the only way certain AMERICAN CITIZENS can afford to access these services. If it were not Americans would still be standing in line waiting to see a physician behind the flood of ILEGALS that are jamming up the system.
You throw out the old cliches of racism and bigotry. How tiresome. You call me a racist because I feel we need to take care of our own before others. So you would clean your nieghbors back yard before you clean yours? It is commforting to know that your pockets are deep amnd you can afford for governments to waste money. More power to you. Unfortunately myself as the majority of Americans can no longer afford to pay. This is proven in Texas as public hospitols in Dallas , Houston, San Antonio among other cities are having to shut down medical facilities do to the enormous bill of free medical to ILEGAL ALIENS. Now who is this serving? With these facilities being shut down no one can benifit from them.
In the schools false history and distorted facts are now the common rule.
While take a simple thing as traffic signs. All are in english. Yet you do not have to read english to get a drivers license. This makes no sense what so ever. How can you read traffic signs if you do not know the language?
It is not racist nor bigoted to want to take care of ones own. In this case it means Americans ... Black, White, Yellow and Red. Americans all. Take care of them first then help others.
If Mexico was truely interested as yourself in helping thier citizens you and they would work desperatly on improving Mexicos infrastructure and not depleteing Americas.
Posted by
Devious Mind |
7:45 AM