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Sunday, May 04, 2008 

Sic de mayonasse day

Oh I am sorry that was Cinco de Mayo, right? Yet another year that the city of Denver and the State of Colorado surrenders to the open boarder and ILLEGAL ALIEN CROWDS.

Although at this point and time I have not heard to much about the militant activists that seem to come out of the wood work. Or of the local gang bangers who are punks acting up to much at this years events. But wait there is still another day to go in this false, feel good, make believe holiday.

I did note that this year I saw more of a police presence doing what they are paid to do and curb the cruising morons who turn major arteries in this city into parking lots of support for a foriegn country.

The annual cruising of Federal Blvd seemed to be down. However if you wanted to travel through town you couldn't. The heart of Denver was closed for siestas, I mean fiesas. I wonder what the tax payer will have to pay in way of cleanup for this celebration. I will have to look into that for a later blog.

There was the I support and am proud to be a Mexican attitude. Support of a country I might add that they have fled. One in which they do not want to live in, but rather come north and feint loyalty to. All the while demanding civic rights and fair treatment, ooops. In reality, demanding special treatment while they disreguard our laws and way of life. ( I often wonder if the reason they are so supportive of Mexico is because they know Mexico does not extradite in capitol offenses).

The creation of barrios and slums. Look at the sections of Denver istself they are in. If they had any of this pride they throw around one time a year. Then why do they not clean up their nieghborhoods. Nope massive graffetti and gang signs painted on buildings. Blocks decorated with junk cars resembleing the sterotype of a white trash trailer park. Delapidated homes that once were nice.

I went downtown to check out the festivities. Overall a fun time had by most. However you could not help but run into those whos idea of celebration was to knock this country and demand special treatment.

Then there were the special ones. Those who think this is mexico and every one else is the ILLEGAL ALIEN. The ones who give the decent folk who migrated here LEGALLY a bad name. The ones who give those who are truelly trying to assimilate into American society a bad name. Yeppers the ones who make all our blood boil with disgust.

The ignorant, propagandised, bigot, racist. Thats right La Raza. Well not all of them were La Raza members but I would safely assume that if given the oppertunity they would be happy to display a card to prove their racism.

By now, I am sure someone is writing me a lovely e-mail filled with their hatred calling me all sorts of names. To those, bite me. This is America. The United States of America in fact. Not Sonora, or Chiuhahua, Tijuanna, Guatalahara. But the good ol U.S.A.

Lets remind people of some reasons as to why there is a process of immigration into this country.


Chicken Pox

Yellow Fever

Bed Bugs

Increase on the welfare state created by Democrats and bleeding hearts.

Lower wages

Increase in crime (com'on M.S. - 13, more punk gang bangers. Race murders ie: L.A.)

This is part of the reason we have a process to enter this country. It is to weed out those who may be a threat (felons) to society. To isolate and treat those who may have a communicable disease.

Is this a good reason to have a secure boarder? Hell yes as a start. I do not have to get into the drug runners, possible terrorist threat, or other post 9/11 reasons as to why the boarder needs to be secured.

However La Raza and other racist think that medical reasons and prevention of criminals is profileing and racist attempt to keep people out.

I say take a close look at their associates and where they live. Are they involved with or been attacked yet by these thugs?

I am waiting to here how many DUI's were handed out this weekend. I should rather say how many were not handed out because to stop half these drunk drivers is considered by the ACLU as profiling.

I shant even bother to go into how Colorado celebrates the worlds largest Cinco de Mayo day, larger then any in Mexico. Or that half those I spoke to are ignorant of what Cinco de Mayo celebrates. No it is not the Mexican independance day either Juan.

So another year passes and Denver turns itself over to the racist.

About me

  • I'm Devious Mind
  • From Denver, Colorado, United States
  • Good judgemnt comes from experiance. Experiance comes from bad judgement. Karma, its a bitch.
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