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Friday, July 25, 2008 

This is the moment: of more pandering

Yes this is the moment. The moment in time when all can see the transparency of Barack Hussien Obama. The moment in time when he reveled his globalization and pandering to the worlds leftist elites.

In order to form a world union that does not recognise the SOVERIGN boarders of nations. An order that will redistribute what those who have to those who have not.
The moment in time that socialism, on the verge of communism needs to make a push for world domination at the cost of all the free loveing people.

Yep Obamas speech really was insightful. Not to mention insulting to any American who really cares about his/her country.

"Tonight, I speak to you not as a candidate for President, but as a citizen -- a proud citizen of the United States, and a fellow citizen of the world."

What a lie. This whole trip across the pond has been nothing but a campaign event. Then to claim he is here as a citizen of the world. Say WHAT? I thought he was running for president of the UNITED STATES. Not some position in the German cabnet of the United Nations.

"My father grew up herding goats in Kenya" says Obama. But what he fails to tell the people of Germany, the World, and most importantly AMERICA. Is that after his father grew up he was blackballed as an economist who was so radically into communism that the Kenyan government (who by the way was practicing socialism ) refused to keep him employed. His father had published a book on his socialist economic redistriburseing of money.

"The size of our forces was no match for the much larger Soviet Army. And yet retreat would have allowed Communism to march across Europe. Where the last war had ended, another World War could have easily begun. All that stood in the way was Berlin." thinks Obama.

What he neglected to mention that a major military pressence was present that the Soviets really did not want to cross. This force was called Patton. The Soviets respected Gen. G. Patton, as well as feared his tactical mind. Not to mention they were still behind us in the race for the Atomic Bomb. Though there tech and rersearch was as ours . The practical application was not there.

"People of the world -- look at Berlin, where a wall came down, a continent came together, and history proved that there is no challenge too great for a world that stands as one." A world that stands as one? Not only did Obamas speech writers surgar coat and gloss over many historical facts prior to this statement. Facts like Three years later after the war was over there was still sniper fire, bombs being set off by nazi sympathisers. But for him to actually imply that it weas the world that brought down the Berlin wall. Get a fricken grip on reality and quit rewriting history.

The Berlin wall was brought down through the strategy laid out by then President Ronald Reagon. We spent and developed military systems that the Soviets could not. The economic strain on communism drove them to collapse.

I guess the developmant of the MX missles, deploymentof Patton anti missles in Europe never happened. Or the fact that we still had over half a million military personel still stationed in Europe. He must not know that NATO was mainly madse up of, and funded by Americans. I challenge this arrogant elitist to look up the funding of NATO. See just exactly what Europe paid for.

"The terrorists of September 11th plotted in Hamburg and trained in Kandahar and Karachi before killing thousands from all over the globe on American soil." misrepresented facts Obama spoke. Fact only 26 people who died in the trade tower buildings were not American citizens. The rest were AMERICANS pally!!!!. I do not recall on 9/11 planes traveling into Big Ben, Red Square, the capitol of Rommania. No the attack was on American soil. Against America, as stated by the terrorist themselves.

Now nice sentiments but based on JUNK SCIENCE, and feel good speak. Obama claims "As we speak, cars in Boston and factories in Beijing are melting the ice caps in the Arctic, shrinking coastlines in the Atlantic, and bringing drought to farms from Kansas to Kenya." Yes thats right the myth of man made global warming is not just a junk science in America but around the world too.

"Poorly secured nuclear material in the former Soviet Union, or secrets from a scientist in Pakistan could help build a bomb that detonates in Paris. The poppies in Afghanistan become the heroin in Berlin. The poverty and violence in Somalia breeds the terror of tomorrow. The genocide in Darfur shames the conscience of us all." said Obama. He is right but his own record shows his lack of support to stop these things from happening. His own record shows how he is weak on ideas and cajones to do anything but pander on these topics.

"In this new world, such dangerous currents have swept along faster than our efforts to contain them. That is why we cannot afford to be divided. No one nation, no matter how large or powerful, can defeat such challenges alone. None of us can deny these threats, or escape responsibility in meeting them. Yet, in the absence of Soviet tanks and a terrible wall, it has become easy to forget this truth. And if we're honest with each other, we know that sometimes, on both sides of the Atlantic, we have drifted apart, and forgotten our shared destiny." continued Obama.

Notice how he uses progressive talk here to elude to one world one government. One world tax. The key phrases that gives this away ..."we cannot afford to be divided", ... "our shared destiny".

"In Europe, the view that America is part of what has gone wrong in our world, rather than a force to help make it right, has become all too common." said Obama. Is this not what he has said many times on the campaign trail? That America has become the problem? It is his own opinion as well as the worlds left that we are the problem. An arrogant statement from a pompas A#4 to say overseas, to a foriegn crowd. Insulting America overseas, now there is a leadership quality for you.

Obams goes on for another 20 minutes or so. lahying out a speach that is surgar coated with conservative ideals, but laced with socialistic, leftist plans that do not favor or appeal to Americans.

The biggest insult of the whole campaign speach is the fact he went overseas to try and raise support for himself. Never before has a candidate, not even a official party candidate, campaigned on foriegn soil. His elitist, arrogant attitude along with the overbearing handlers he has employed should make the American voter wake up to what he really is.

Barack Obama this is the moment in time when you showed your true colors. You exposed your contempt, and disgust for the United States. The country you so want to be President of.

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  • I'm Devious Mind
  • From Denver, Colorado, United States
  • Good judgemnt comes from experiance. Experiance comes from bad judgement. Karma, its a bitch.
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