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Thursday, September 18, 2008 

Some Change, your spare change please

Talk about being out of touch with the American people. I sure hope the liberals are listening hard and long to their candidates. It is they who will be hot hardest under this tax and spend proposal being pushed by Obama and Biden.

Biden: Wealthy Americans Must Pay More Taxes to Show Patriotism

With one of the most stupidest and asinine statements to date from the gaffe machine of Joe Biden comes the comment that it is Patriotic to pay more in taxes. Taking the statement of John F. Kennedy: " Ask not what your Country can do for you, ask what you can do for your Country." This takes on a whole new meaning here. A complete socialist if not communist twist. Work for the government and we will take care of you with more hand outs.

How absurd is this. This is not change but a continuation of bad policy that the Democratic liberals have been pushing since FDR. More taxes and more spending. Unrestricted spending and planning.

More social welfare to make more and more dependant upon the government for survival. A hard left turn from capitalism and freedom.

By increasing taxes on capitol gains and those who make over $250,000.00 a year is a slap in the face of hard working Americans who will be punished for trying to better their lives and standing economically.

The small business owner will be hardest hit by this. A blow that will in no way help the economy but not only stifle it. It will be a shot in the heart for it. It is the small business owners who keep this country going with the blue collar man who works 60 plus hours a week in order to put a roof over their families. These are the ones who are going to be hardest hit by this reckless plan.

While middle America (geographically) does not make this type of money. A majority of so called middle class Americans on the coasts do. The liberals in middle class, white collar jobs are going to suffer. Think about no more Christmas bonuses and pay raises. Look at daily expenses going up. Be prepared for much harder times. A return to the 70's and a Carter policy ("We will oppose any further reduction in Federal income taxes until we have convincing prospects that inflation will be controlled." Jimmy Carter 24 October, 1978.) that almost ruined this country.

In no way does paying more in taxes equate to being Patriotic. It equates to being enslaved. Indentured servitude to an ungrateful Politburo who are only thinking of their power and pocket books.

On the coasts it is not uncommon to find people earning a six digit income, where as in middle America they are in the middle 5 digits. By increasing taxes you hinder advancement and growth. As a small business owner, why would I want to expand any, knowing that it will cost me more in taxes. Therefore I will do the work myself. Maybe even taking a percentage under the table then to keep it off the books. Smart business thinkers will then 1099 more and contract labor as a result. Let the contract worker find his own insurance and benefits instead of providing them. Something that definitely hinders the Country and its GDP. I will look for cheaper labor then, keep my overhead down. Putting a cap on income for the working class.

Is this what Biden and Obama think is Patriotic? Families spending less time together, working between to adults four, possibly five jobs. Just to keep a roof over their heads and food on the table. Will the answer from the Democrats then be more taxes to provide food subsidies for the middle class?

As the Social Security funds are raided for welfare programs and handouts, a larger burden placed upon future generations in order to maintain the funds being given away in handouts and bailouts. This is not change. This is what the Democrats have been proposing for years.

We see a total lack of leadership right now. It is coming from the Democrats in office.

Democratic Congress May Adjourn, Leave Crisis to Fed, Treasury:

This is the dems plan. just like the proposed for Iraq and the war on terror. Cut and run. Walk away and let someone else deal with it. Pelosi: Dems bear no responsibility for economic crisis.

A total lack of representation from the left. They want to be in charge but when things get tough. They RUN AWAY. Play the blame game. Instead of trying to fix things they let it alone and HOPE it will solve itself, and that things will CHANGE for the better.

Yes the economy is hurting at the moment. Is it in as bad a shape as the media and democrats claim? Absolutely NOT. If you look at the overall picture, it is in the throws of massive hiccups. Not in a state of the Great Depression: http://www.todaysteacher.com/TheGreatDepressionWebQuest/BriefOverview.htm

If you want to be Patriotic in the economy, now is not the time to raise taxes but lower them. Create an enviorment that encourages investment, not one that forces people to hoard.

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  • I'm Devious Mind
  • From Denver, Colorado, United States
  • Good judgemnt comes from experiance. Experiance comes from bad judgement. Karma, its a bitch.
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