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Sunday, May 15, 2005 


Why is it that elected officials forget who elected them?

Why is police mottos of "To serve and protect" mean only if you are caught?

How is it that a criminal convicted in jail gets free education, cable television, and a rec area that I can't afford. How come they get an education for free while I have to pay riseing tuition fees? How come I have to work to get threee square meals a day while they don't?

Why if I travel to Mexico I have to have a passport and turist status, but Mexicanzs can come here without visas or a job and stay while getting government handouts?

How come if I want to bow my head and say grace before I eat I have to hide my act in public so I do not affend anyone yet if I were Muslim I can walk around in my bathrobe and pray in public?

Since when did the Alamo become a fight of slavery issues? According to Nickaloden it is.

Why is Davie Crockett a facist?

How come Jim Bowie is depicted as a racist slave owner who did no good and yet Sitting Bull is a hero?

Why do we question civil rights in America yet support totalitarian regimes in other countries?

How come no one has ever asked what happened to and was anything done for the families of those who sufford at the hands of Saddam Hussien?

If Stalin was such a great man, why did he commit genocide on his people and murder so many in his beloved communist party?

If the Queen of England is no longer a figure head why do so many people stay loyal to her?

If America is truely a democratic society why do we elect represenatives in a republic government?

If baseball is truely the sport of the working man, why does the working man have to save and scrape to afford a ticket to the ballpark?

Jessie Jackson a religiouse man, supports the poor, and civil rights then why does he have lots of money and blackmails companies and individuals?

Are not priests, padres, men / women of the cloth supposed to lead a life of poverty. If the church asks for offerings to help the poor why won't they pay my cable bill?

If the church is truely open to the homeless why do they lock the front door?

When cockroaches infest your home do you not find the nest and destroy it? if this is what you do to pests should not terrorism be sought out and destroyed, are they not a pest on civilized communities?

If a man on the street corner is asking for help/donations, but is wearing $100.00 tennis shoes. Is he really in need of help?

If I do not have children, should I have to pay for the education of someone elses child?

By having a concealed carry permit am I not responsible for the safety and correct use of this weapon? Meaning should I not attend training on proper handeling and use of this weapon?

If I feell my life is in jeopardy from some punk do I not have the right to protect myself as long as this punk is not a minority or illegal alien?

If I come home and find someone I do not know in my house do I not have the right then to go to thier place and nose around thier belongings?

If the United Nations is supposed to be the governing body for the world should I not have the right to vote on who is in charge and have a say in the policies they make?

If France can take an American citizen or corporation to court can't I take a French citizen or corporation to court?


These are just daily ponderings of mine I thought I would share.

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  • I'm Devious Mind
  • From Denver, Colorado, United States
  • Good judgemnt comes from experiance. Experiance comes from bad judgement. Karma, its a bitch.
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