The Future of Energy.
Inbetween news snippets this morningn the same commercial popped up on the telivision. B.P.'s future of energy. All these people asking what are you doing for us. This commercial just grates on my nerves as it is so much propaganda like THETRUTH.COM and thier misleading lies.
Where does the future of energy stand/ Lets look at who holds it up. The tree hugging crowd has for thirty years blocked through legal manuvers the building of any new nuclear plants, refineries, and the drilling for natural resources. Who yells the loudest about the price of fossil fuels? The tree hugging crowd. While they fill up thier F-250's and huge S.U.V.'s. which they drive and park in parking lots outside their offices. Not having any reason for such a large vehical other then to keep up with the Jones. The soccer mom crowd chaffers around the kiddies in thesze large vehicals with televisions for the kids to watch. Really unnecissary. I remember my mother packing us into the old squareback volkswagon and taking us and friends around as kids.
The tree huggers complain about any proposed hydro dams to produce electricity yet demend a congressional investigation when their homes drop below 80 degrees in the winter. They demend alternative sources yet at every turn they have lawyers waiting in line to stop the development and progress in alternative sources for fuel.
It just boggles the miond at the hypocracy the treehuggers have. If you doubt what I am saying just take a close look at any yuppie nieghborhood near you.
Where does the future of energy stand/ Lets look at who holds it up. The tree hugging crowd has for thirty years blocked through legal manuvers the building of any new nuclear plants, refineries, and the drilling for natural resources. Who yells the loudest about the price of fossil fuels? The tree hugging crowd. While they fill up thier F-250's and huge S.U.V.'s. which they drive and park in parking lots outside their offices. Not having any reason for such a large vehical other then to keep up with the Jones. The soccer mom crowd chaffers around the kiddies in thesze large vehicals with televisions for the kids to watch. Really unnecissary. I remember my mother packing us into the old squareback volkswagon and taking us and friends around as kids.
The tree huggers complain about any proposed hydro dams to produce electricity yet demend a congressional investigation when their homes drop below 80 degrees in the winter. They demend alternative sources yet at every turn they have lawyers waiting in line to stop the development and progress in alternative sources for fuel.
It just boggles the miond at the hypocracy the treehuggers have. If you doubt what I am saying just take a close look at any yuppie nieghborhood near you.
That reminds me of Michelle Malkins hot air vent. How she bashed the tree huggers flying around in the jets from one coast to the other burning up more fuel and producing more pollution than a full year's worth of driving a SUV does.
They are nothing more the the old saying Pot calling the kettle...
Posted by
Carnivore |
2:08 PM
i am a true tree hugger, and i totally agree with your story. it is not true tree huggers, it is poing liberals, and there are tons of them driving SUV's. you can talk conservation, but you must live it, otherwise you are just a living lie. as for nukes, i am not thrilled with them, but they are a decent alternative. the biggest problem is all the bogus liberals in california driving hummers, who did not want power plants built in california, now they bitch about paying so much for power from other states. nice story, but do not confuse poser liberals with real enviromentalists. BIG DIFFERENCE. There are alot less of me, and TONS of them. I call them surburban parasites.
Posted by
rev. billy bob gisher ©2008 |
6:14 PM
Rev. Billy bob,
Being a tree hugger and being an enviromentalist are two very distinct different things. I was taught by three generations of everiomentalists.... small time farmers. They were conservationist at the raw state. I was taught... take care of the land and it will take care of you. That means... manage it and it willnot manage you. Look at the massive forrest fires... if the logging was allowed and clearing of underbrush these would not happen tot he extent theya re now. With proper extraction of natural resources (petro based) then this can be done without much harm to the surrounding ecosystem. Nuclear energy is by far fairly clean, safe and cost effective as well, unfortunatly many fear this energy out of ignorance. They same ignorance they have for true conservation. Utilizing "slews" for wildlife refuges, creeks for treelines and scrub brush has done wonders for many species of game, and even endagered species... but of course this was all done by PRIVATE ownership of land, not by the state. When a person has ownership they take more pride and have an invested stake at its success.
Posted by
Carnivore |
5:04 PM