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Sunday, September 24, 2006 

The Left unhinged

What a week for the socialists and far left. Not only in America but from around the world. Unfortunately their meltdown occured here in America, you see how the truth makes them upset.

As Hugo-a-go-go Chavez, sounded like a little child complaining to a teacher about reccess. Name calling and actring like a complete moron, undignified for his posititon as a countries leader. Former president Clinton throws a hissy fit when asked why he didn't do anything about Ossama-mama Binny Lauden.

"I did more to try and kill Bin Lauden then anyone else" CLinton is quoted as saying to Chris Wallace in a Fox news interview. This is a touchy subject for Clinton. As his twisting and spinning of history under his worthless administration comes to light. It is true that he did try and locate the terrorist, yet the truth be told on the occasions when he did have him or was offered Bin Laden he FAILED to act upon it, or chickened out.

More unhinged leftist are jumping on this report coming out on Terorism and the inccrease in the middle east. What this report says is that there are more terrorists and terroist groups now then before 2001. What it fails to explain and surmise is that the new groups that have arisen are not new at all. The rise is not a massive world upriseing as the MSN is spinning. These terrorist and organizations have been there they are just coming out of the closet. No longer hiding in the shadows. The radical muslims are no longer afraid to let people and the world know where they were hiding is all. Thats what the report tells us.

Yes there are more terrorists in the out now then before , however they still are being EXECUTED, and thwarted over seas and not in America. Isn't that a good thing?

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  • I'm Devious Mind
  • From Denver, Colorado, United States
  • Good judgemnt comes from experiance. Experiance comes from bad judgement. Karma, its a bitch.
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