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Monday, February 11, 2008 

"Get in line"

Wow, sounds like an elementary school teacher speaking to the kids there now doesn't it. This is what the RINO's in the leadership position of the repugnet party are telling all the conservatives these days. The question is why do they want conservatives to fall in step and be like the sheep in the democrat party.

Is it because being republican in name only they are secretly pushing the socialist agenda? Well it is no secret that the agenda today is very socialist in nature. From universal health care to open boarders to cut and run from world affairs. A growing support for a failed United Nations control on the world scene. Failure to curb radical islamofacist, genocide in Africa, murder of Christians around the world (with no major outcry from the Vatican).

Even on the local scene. RINOs are showing their true colors with support for social programs that dig deep into the pockets of the American taxpayer. The question is why this big swing to the left. If conservatives think that in any way this will help the common sense movement then they have no clue at all.

In the short term conservatives will loose their voice. The fairness in broadcasting act will censor conservatives. More liberal policies towards handouts of taxpayer monies will become entitlements. taxes will go up, the economy will definately reach the MSM predictions of gloom and doom. People will tighten their belts do to the higher taxes and spend less while hoarding their hard earned money.

In the long run, of say 30 to 4o years this country will turn into an entitlement camp for the have nots to make a living on the backs of the haves. The haves being those who through blood sweat and tears support the lazy s.o.b.s that have their hands out saying "gimme, gimme, gimme". Being punished for trying to better themselves and their families.

The battle for any fiscal reposibility will be all up hill as this country will sink further into a second and maybe even a third world status.

The race for the presidency is lost. Lets face it McCain is a socialist, and the alternatives are far worse. The ties to the middle east from Obamma, and Hillary's Chinese ties are just way to scary to contemplate. What has to be done is fight for any and all conservatives in any local and federal seats in the houses and senates of this country. We as conservatives have to maintain a presence in a large number there to either control or prevent bad legislation from happening. This means picking up seats in both the House and Senate.

Nancy Pelooza,Harry Ripoff, and Teddy Crookeddy will either fade away like a bad dream or they will invade our homes with their bigger government. Just look at what they support and the bills that they are trying to force through legislation.

Higher taxes, censorship of conservative values. Restrictions on religious beliefs, reduction of the military. Support for the United Nations without any oversight to the criminals there in. A forced living style in their utopian dreams. An example is what is being proposed in Tennesse. A bill that would make it illegal for resturants to serve people who may be considered obese. Forced social medicines with automatic pay garnishes (new tax) to support this.

So when the RINOs say get in line. What they are really telling us is their view of the future where all Americans wait in line for health care, to eat out, what to buy, ect ect. Much the way the Soviet Union was and is returning to.

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  • I'm Devious Mind
  • From Denver, Colorado, United States
  • Good judgemnt comes from experiance. Experiance comes from bad judgement. Karma, its a bitch.
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