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Thursday, March 13, 2008 

Mothballed Boarder Security?

At every turn we here how ILLEGAL ALIENS cross the boarder from Mexico at will. Our government claims that they are doing their best. This is a CROCK!!!!!!!

Even Govenor Janet Napolitano sees the lack of concern from the feds. In a letter to Homeland (JOKE) Security Secretary Michael Chertoff. She expresses concern.

"I have always believed that drawing down Operation Jump Start would be a mistake," Napolitano wrote Tuesday in a two-page letter to Chertoff.


"Now that promised improvements in border-security measures will not come to pass any time soon, the federal government has no excuse to scale back the program. Common sense dictates that the drawdown should stop and that a continued high National Guard presence should be maintained."

The end of Operation Jump Start comes along with reports that the development of the virtual border fence has hit significant problems. The system of cameras and sensors was intended to help fill border gaps between physical barriers and Border Patrol personnel. A system that has recieved much critisism form the start. A system that is being delayed by budget promises and withdrawl of funds by our elected officials only after giving lip service to American Citizens.

In late February, Homeland Security officials told a congressional oversight panel that the system being built near Sasabe doesn't work. That much of its technology may need to be replaced. But isnt this supposed to be top of the line , new tech? So why does it have to be replaced? (contracts go to the lowest bidder is why.)

While Sec.Chertoff insists that the plan to secure the boarder wasn't being "mothballed". Agency officials went before congress and testified that plans to expand the system to the Yuma and El Paso areas were being delayed until 2011. Until 2011, now is that what was said to us, the voters?

"Real solutions to fix our broken borders cannot wait that long," Napolitano also told Chertoff. "While we wait for real progress on the 'virtual fence,' border communities in Arizona will continue to be strained by the millions of dollars in costs they must absorb due to the state of border security."

At least Arizona and Janet recognise the problem of invaders/ILLEGAL ALIENS. Since Arizona is a major point of this invasion, and is leading the way against it, (although Oklahoma is a close second). The federal government needs to extend the National Guard on the boarder, quit wasteing money with tech, and just build the DAMN FENCE.

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  • I'm Devious Mind
  • From Denver, Colorado, United States
  • Good judgemnt comes from experiance. Experiance comes from bad judgement. Karma, its a bitch.
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