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Tuesday, August 12, 2008 

Christians Fund/World Vision

You know these charity groups, The Christian Fund and World Vision. Well they may have their heart in the right place. I mean yes. There, unfortunately are too many children living in harsh conditions. Thier lives in danger on a daily basis, minute by minute at times. I am not unsympathetic to thier plight. However I am sick and tired of answering the phone or deleting e-mail from them and groups like them.

Listen closely ----- NO I WILL NOT GIVE YOU MONEY OR SPONSER ANYONE!!!!!!!!!!!

Why, simple. Charity starts at home. We here in America with a declineing standard of living seem to forget about the children here, at home, in America.

All these self rightous orginzations asking for money to go over seas and aid others. It is getting old. How about that child down the block whos mother is addicted to crack and does'nt know who the father is of the next sibling. What about that child who skips school to hang out on the corner of the block working for the local drug dealer. Why because good money and laws have lessor penalties then for
minors then adults. So the poor kid is being used.

How about that child who doesn't get enough to eat because both parents are working two jobs at minimum wages each just to keep a roof over their childs head. All the while thinking that their child is getting food at the public school. But he isn't, why? Because the system says no.

What about the American family who has to decide rent this month of car payment. The car payment which provides transportation to get to work to provide money for the rent.

Who are these families? They are the ones who are above the socalled poverty leval yet are eaking out a living because they do not qualify for any aid. They are the ones who dig deep and pay their bills. They are the ones who watch their spending and do not make STUPID DECISIONS, like a morgage for a house they know they can not afford, or a second morgage to buy that boat.

These are the ones who need our Christian help FIRST. Not those overseas and south of the boarder. Help Americans first. Charity begins at home my friends. It does not begin overseas.

About me

  • I'm Devious Mind
  • From Denver, Colorado, United States
  • Good judgemnt comes from experiance. Experiance comes from bad judgement. Karma, its a bitch.
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