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Friday, August 08, 2008 

Tyson Update

Well it seems that Tyson foods has had a change of heart. Or should I say A lot of public outcry and pressure form the unions. Tyson foods has reinstated the American Holiday Labor Day as a paid holiday for workers. Now some more facts have come out about this removal of the holiday from ONE of thier plants.

Here is the story as it stands now.

Tyson foods made a request on behalf of its Shelbyville plant employees, some of whom had expressed concern about the new contract provisions relative to paid holidays. In an effort to be responsive, Tyson asked the union to reopen the contract to address the holiday issue, and the union agreed to do so. The issue was for the Islamic Holiday Eid al-Fitr. The union membership voted overwhelmingly Thursday to reinstate Labor Day as one of the plant’s paid holidays, while keeping Eid al-Fitr as an additional paid holiday for this year only. This means that in 2008 only, Shelbyville employees will have nine paid holidays. Eight of which are American and one that is Muslem.

For the remainder of the five-year contract period, the eight paid holidays will include: New Year’s Day, Martin Luther King Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day, Christmas Day and a Personal Holiday, which could either be the employee’s birthday, Eid al-Fitr or another day requested and approved by their supervisor.

This issue concerns only the plant at Shelbyville, Tennessee. Labor Day has always been celebrated, and continues to be, at the other 118 Tyson plants across the country.

The Shelbyville complex employs approximately 1,200 people. Approximately 1,000 workers are covered by the RWDSU union agreement at that location.

I still am calling for a boycott of Tyson foods as this is America not the Middle East. If employees want to celebrate holidays from the countries they fled then they can do it on thier own time. Sounds a little bigoted? Well if you go to their countries and celebrate an American holiday, do you really think they will pay you a day off for it? I don't think so.

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  • I'm Devious Mind
  • From Denver, Colorado, United States
  • Good judgemnt comes from experiance. Experiance comes from bad judgement. Karma, its a bitch.
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