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Friday, August 01, 2008 

A Conservative Platform, NO PANDERING HERE.

It is sad that we have no true conservatives running for the office of President. Instead we have one socialist, Juan McCain, and one far left socialist, Barack Obama. The MSM and political pundents are not even close to acknowlegding true conservative ideals.

RINOs prevail in government, while socialist hide under the banner of being democrats. This country is self destructing. A sense of unmitigated false guilt over issues that have no corrolation to todays enviorment are top on the list of priorities in Congress.

Common sense seems to be thrown out the window and feel good stupidity is used to replace it.

So what is a true conservative platform. Well one I would like to see would be something similar to the following.

On the war on terror:

No more patty cakes and hand holding. A clear defined plan of action. This to mean all governments around the world put on notice that, we as the United States will no longer tolerate any aid, to include political, finacial, armament, and protection in any way for these criminals around the world. An Isreali approach to Antebi will be used. Meaning that the United States will not bother tomask for permission in the pursuit of justice against these criminals. We will use the American military as it was designed for. Death and Destruction of our enemies. We will seek out and destroy any where in the world terrorist and their supporters. If other governments refuse to help they will be considered as aidding and abedding and thus be treated as enemies.

On the economy:

Put America back to work. Implies we are not working hard, but not the meaning. By putting America back to work I mean no more outsourceing. Starting with State governments who out source jobs that have no business leaving thier state let alone the country. (ex. Colorado outsourced the keeping of driver license information to mexico.... how dumb is that?)

Reopening American manufacturing capabilities and showing tthe world that MADE IN AMERICA is once again the standard to have. By useing the tried and true method of the definition of conservatism on welfare. Give a hand up not a hand out. Enforceing laws that put AMERICAN CITEZENS first in the job market. Reduceing the work visas issued and having employers hire Americans first. This being said if workers are needed to fill jobs that are not being filled of course work visas will be issued, but EMPLOYERS will be held accountable for taxes on these workers and a living wage to be paid. Thus making it more likely Americans will be hired first.

A reopening and use of Americas steel might. Calling for American steel to be produced and used on all construction in America, instead of sending the raw materials overseas to be converted and then sold back.

The tech sector of this country will be incouraged to work on more and more ways to make life easier and prosporous. Developing better communication, envormental friendly products and outer space usage.

On taxes:

A complete overhaul of the tax code. The elimination of loop holes and simplification of taxes. A straight flat tax across the board. By eliminating any tax breaks and loopholes everybody will end up paying thier fair share without an overburden on one group above another. It is a fact that when taxes are increased people start to hoard their money and not spend. A protective mode of self preservation. When taxes are reduced people spend and the economy grows. So with a flat tax, taxes wil;be reduced and the economy will grow and regulate itself for the most part.

On the Energy front:

A mandatory increase of alternative energies to be used in provideing electriacl power or alternative to. The building of more nuclear facilities, increase in wind farms, and hydro plants. An increase of enviormental friendly coal plants. Thus freeing up more fossil fuels for the pump and consumers to use. Thus reduceing the overall demand for these fuels and reduction in their prices. A push for new companies to develop alternative methods of propulsion and let the oil companies continue to pursue oil.

A coop of oil and alternative enegy companies to work on said methods of alternative propulsion.

On National Goals:

To put the space industry in overdrive mode with the goal of putting a man on Mars with an American moonbase as a launch platform by 2020 and landing on Mars for more then a few day exploration by 2030. Meaning the landing of and construction of a semi perminet base of operation.

A goal of being dependant on American resources not forign resouces by 2015. A very possible goal with the opening of drilling areas and increase of nuclear plants and wind farms.

A goal of a 700 ship Navy. To project our military might and a 1/3 increase of troop numbers.

On National Security:

A closure of both the northern and southern boarders with maned military ports of entry. This to stem the narco and human trafficing trade. Medical examinations for foriegners entering this country, ( the illegal entry into this country has caused an increase of TB cases, possible poxes, and the import of insects that are not desirable, ie: bedbugs.) This is not a punishmnet but a way to track any possible medical problems and offer treatment to those who want to enter this country.

A mandatory interagency communication and cooperation of intel that can be used to protect the American Citizen, and friendly countries citizens.

On Government Spending:

A line by line veto power to the President. Thus giving a weapon against pork spending. A clear and defined public explination of who and for what pork projects have been introduced and attached to what bill. An end to increased spending and immediate cuts into excessive welfare spending (a hand up not a hand out).

An immediate end to foriegn aid to all nations. Then a slow release of specified funds for specific purposes with accountability as to where each and every penny goes. Meaning foriegn governments can no longer line their pockets with American money. That they will recieve help only for aid and projects that they prove and allow oversight of. No more governemnt grants for silly projects that do absolutely nothing to enhance a foriegn countries economy and living conditions.

No more bailouts for corporations or for people who do not manage their monetary funds. An active pursuit of criminal charges to companies that fraudulently entice individuals into bad decisions. An active pursuit of CEO's who create and encourage said programs.


A complete shelving and throwing away of an absurd idea that would amount to censorship. The broadcast industry is smart enough to know what the consumer wants. If liberal talk or if conservative talk does not play in a market. RThen it is not the governments job to force people to listen to what they do not want to hear.

On Immigration:

Enforcement of the LAW. No revamp of a system that is not broken. No amnesty for those who break the laws. Enforcement and deportation to whatever country the illegals come from with a bill being sent to that persons government for medical, food, and transportation of said individual.

Anyone, meaning anyone, from any country who enters this country illegals banned from coming back. If found to have come back a mandatory jail time of no less then 5 years and no more then 10 years, with immediate deportation on completion of sentance.

An established quota system enforced with no single country favored over another on who can enter this country. But an enforcement of said numbers. An enforcement of conditions to the entry into this country. Holding said employers and family responsible for the immigent and his or her needs and bills. In other owrds no more free ride on the U.S. taxpayers dime while in this country. Assimulate or leave.

Now this is the beginning of a conservative platform I can get behind.

About me

  • I'm Devious Mind
  • From Denver, Colorado, United States
  • Good judgemnt comes from experiance. Experiance comes from bad judgement. Karma, its a bitch.
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