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Thursday, September 29, 2005 

Globalization, nuts

I pose this question to all who just rant and rave that globalization is the best thing to happen. Of coarse it for the most part is going to happen, but why rush into it now. I mean the failed United nations has shown that certain countries (France, Germany, Mexico, third world African nations) absolutely can not handle a one world government. Shoot they over half of them can not handle their own government.

Why is there such a push to make these free and open trade areas? As all the evidance and facts I have read they are far from free and fair. As America is continually taxed and punished when standards are set yet others fail to meet these standards. Point in fact NAFTA. Certain standards were in placed for the trucking industry. Well the American standards in fact yet Canada and Mexico refuse to bring their equipment up to these standards and call for it to be unfair to do so. Why is it unfair to have equipment that is set at a certain safty leval? Money? Could be but the United States literally throws millions into upgradeing these countries in order to upgrade their equipment.

FOr the flow of agricultural products. Is it to much to ask that other countries let the USDA inspect their meats for desieses and rot. What about the vegetables and the poisons used still in Mexico that we banned almost thirty years ago. Why do the globalists think its ok for Mexico to still use these pesticides and American farmers not?

With the growing economic clout from China and India, two highly populated countries who are buying automobiles is it ok for them not to have any emission controls yet here in America the tree huggers would punish the average American for fossil fuel usage. This smacks of hypicritical thinking and plain old bias.

"Rush not headlong into the darken night" I say bring the rest of the world up to the standards we used to hold. Not lower us to their standards then lets discuss a world government and globilization of economies.

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  • I'm Devious Mind
  • From Denver, Colorado, United States
  • Good judgemnt comes from experiance. Experiance comes from bad judgement. Karma, its a bitch.
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