Whats wrong with this?
What is wrong with our elected officials? As a country we are faceing several crippeling issues. Budget shortcomes, and an energy shortage.
So what does our elected officials in Washington do. They vote to increase spending on a social security system that is going broke. As it stands now there ios more money going out then coming in. Payments being made to those who have not paid in dime one or who have not paid in their full 40 quarters/ 10 years of contributions.
A compromise immigration bill pending right now in the U.S. Senate (sponsored by Chuck Hagel (R-NE) and Mel Martinez (R-FL)) comes at a time when our nation is facing an enormous crisis on the entitlements front. A recent report moved the year in which Social Security will go broke from 2041 to 2040. Congress cannot afford to keep the promise of Social Security to its own citizens, let alone illegal workers.
Sen. John Ensign (R-NV) has offered an amendment to the pending Senate immigration bill that would reverse this law to ensure that law-breakers are not rewarded for their past work at the expense of immigrants who have waited in line and American citizens.
SA 3985, known as the Ensign admendment was defeated in a vote. Here we have an actual proposal that makes sense. Stateing that hey we are not going to count any money sent in to the S.S.A under FALSE and STOLEN numbers. If you want credit for your social security benifits we will start you at day one and begin to count the contributions.
Instead of useing a common sense approach our elected numbskulls want to continue their lack of fiscal responsibility and let ILEGALS (WHO WILL BE GIVEN AMNESTY) monies from the welfare/social programs when many have not payed into it.
This is just taxation and redistribution of wealth by socialist!!!!!
Now the next VERY QUESTIONABLE thing these bozos did was to vote down relief for the soaring fuel prices. Offshore drilling, the tapping into known deposits that could reduce the cost at the pump. Lead by enviormental activist friendly reps from Florida and California this measure was defeated.
The siteing of "It may reduce tourism in our states". Hey guess what .... Tourism will be reduced because the average LEGAL family will not be able to afford a vacation to your states. Seing how you want to take our monies and keep fuel at high prices and make the LEGAL citizens pay extra on your fiscal mumbo jumbo policies.
SO tell me whats wrong with this?
So what does our elected officials in Washington do. They vote to increase spending on a social security system that is going broke. As it stands now there ios more money going out then coming in. Payments being made to those who have not paid in dime one or who have not paid in their full 40 quarters/ 10 years of contributions.
A compromise immigration bill pending right now in the U.S. Senate (sponsored by Chuck Hagel (R-NE) and Mel Martinez (R-FL)) comes at a time when our nation is facing an enormous crisis on the entitlements front. A recent report moved the year in which Social Security will go broke from 2041 to 2040. Congress cannot afford to keep the promise of Social Security to its own citizens, let alone illegal workers.
Sen. John Ensign (R-NV) has offered an amendment to the pending Senate immigration bill that would reverse this law to ensure that law-breakers are not rewarded for their past work at the expense of immigrants who have waited in line and American citizens.
SA 3985, known as the Ensign admendment was defeated in a vote. Here we have an actual proposal that makes sense. Stateing that hey we are not going to count any money sent in to the S.S.A under FALSE and STOLEN numbers. If you want credit for your social security benifits we will start you at day one and begin to count the contributions.
Instead of useing a common sense approach our elected numbskulls want to continue their lack of fiscal responsibility and let ILEGALS (WHO WILL BE GIVEN AMNESTY) monies from the welfare/social programs when many have not payed into it.
This is just taxation and redistribution of wealth by socialist!!!!!
Now the next VERY QUESTIONABLE thing these bozos did was to vote down relief for the soaring fuel prices. Offshore drilling, the tapping into known deposits that could reduce the cost at the pump. Lead by enviormental activist friendly reps from Florida and California this measure was defeated.
The siteing of "It may reduce tourism in our states". Hey guess what .... Tourism will be reduced because the average LEGAL family will not be able to afford a vacation to your states. Seing how you want to take our monies and keep fuel at high prices and make the LEGAL citizens pay extra on your fiscal mumbo jumbo policies.
SO tell me whats wrong with this?