Colorado, who is paying for this?
In the Aurora school district a summer program which at first sounds like a good idea is in place. This program is asking immigrint parents to come in and learn english, American history, and how the school system works.
Sounds like a great idea right? Well lets ask a couple of questions here. First of all who is paying for this program. Clearly this program is for adults not for the children by their own admission. A loop hole that the teachers union is exploiting to push their bilingual programs. Something that time and again the voters of this state have said they do not want. This includes many LEGAL hispanic families who want their children taught ENGLISH.
Aurora School District officials know that some of the parents enrolled may be illegal immigrants. However, under federal law, they are not allowed to ask because school services must be provided to anyone who comes to the public school district.
This is FALSE, and the loop hole that the teachers union and pro illegal groups are useing. the federal mandate is for those 18 and younger and their education not for adults.
It is good to see that some are taking advantage of this progream and are actively seeking to learn the English Language. With support coming from hate based racial groups like La Raza I want to know exactly what is being taught. How acurate is the history or is it a distorted perverted anti American version.
Often, immigrant families don't get involved with school. Some blame the language barrier. Other say they don't trust the education system. "One thing is to let parents know how we teach at school," said Lee Ann Gott, Kenton's Parent Involvement coordinator. "It takes an effort on the part of the school, to make people feel comfortable to come to the school."
Gott's class is designed for parents who don't speak English. In addition to teaching them the language, she lets parents know what they can do to help their kids with the homework, how to deal with parent-teacher conferences, and how they can help with after-school activities.
This all sounds good but who is supervising these classes. What is the proper way to deal with teacher parent conferances ... the polices and procedures. None of this is explained.
Is this a taxpayer funded program that is going to be used as propaganda, to keep those teachers ion line who do not fall for the teachers union activism, or is this a taxpayer funded program that is bending the federal law in order to aid those who really and truely want to be contributing factors to American society.
Untill more info comes out on what is really going on I think this program needs to be stopped. Funding from my tax dollar put on hold, and the loop hole in the federal "NO CHILD LEFT BEHIND" looked hard at on how it is being bent and distorted.
Tagged: Illegal Immigrants - Colorado - School's - Aurora - Opinion
Sounds like a great idea right? Well lets ask a couple of questions here. First of all who is paying for this program. Clearly this program is for adults not for the children by their own admission. A loop hole that the teachers union is exploiting to push their bilingual programs. Something that time and again the voters of this state have said they do not want. This includes many LEGAL hispanic families who want their children taught ENGLISH.
Aurora School District officials know that some of the parents enrolled may be illegal immigrants. However, under federal law, they are not allowed to ask because school services must be provided to anyone who comes to the public school district.
This is FALSE, and the loop hole that the teachers union and pro illegal groups are useing. the federal mandate is for those 18 and younger and their education not for adults.
It is good to see that some are taking advantage of this progream and are actively seeking to learn the English Language. With support coming from hate based racial groups like La Raza I want to know exactly what is being taught. How acurate is the history or is it a distorted perverted anti American version.
Often, immigrant families don't get involved with school. Some blame the language barrier. Other say they don't trust the education system. "One thing is to let parents know how we teach at school," said Lee Ann Gott, Kenton's Parent Involvement coordinator. "It takes an effort on the part of the school, to make people feel comfortable to come to the school."
Gott's class is designed for parents who don't speak English. In addition to teaching them the language, she lets parents know what they can do to help their kids with the homework, how to deal with parent-teacher conferences, and how they can help with after-school activities.
This all sounds good but who is supervising these classes. What is the proper way to deal with teacher parent conferances ... the polices and procedures. None of this is explained.
Is this a taxpayer funded program that is going to be used as propaganda, to keep those teachers ion line who do not fall for the teachers union activism, or is this a taxpayer funded program that is bending the federal law in order to aid those who really and truely want to be contributing factors to American society.
Untill more info comes out on what is really going on I think this program needs to be stopped. Funding from my tax dollar put on hold, and the loop hole in the federal "NO CHILD LEFT BEHIND" looked hard at on how it is being bent and distorted.
Tagged: Illegal Immigrants - Colorado - School's - Aurora - Opinion
Response to Posting on Aurora Public School critic.
I sense from your posting that you are lacking peace in your life. I sense that something is missing from your life, that you feel you have been cheated out of something your entitled to.
Perhaps that is why you find it necessary to pick apart the effort of Aurora Public Schools, Ms. Gott and other dedicated teachers like her to assist parents in being able to communicate, adapt to our local community and enhance their childrens education.
It is for the love of humanity that we are called to serve and support all people in our society. That is the role of a just and civil society.
I have had the experience of tutoring students in DPS for the past ten years. We also serve Aurora. I tutored two boys who were in 2nd and 3rd grade ESL classes respectively. Within 4 months they were in regular classes and by the end of the year they were in the top third of their class. These boys are our future. They contribute to the community and they are upstanding U.S. Citizens. Their little sister entered kindergarten last year speaking no English. By Christmas she was conversational and by the end of the year she had a good grasp of the English language. The childrens parents had to leave school in 4th and 6th grade to work in the fields, our fields. Mom spends 15-20 minutes a day reading with her children. The parents would welcome the opportunity to learn English faster through ESL classes but they each work two jobs to support their family doing the essential labor that drives our economy.
We can debate the issues surrounding the current immigration battle until the cows come home but it does not do a thing to improve the lives of all people in our community.
If we can all step back from the rhetoric for a moment, and examine our conscience, we might just get in touch with the humanity, compassion and common decency that is within each of us and have the courage to say that maybe I can help the people around me instead focusing on the negative. Perhaps then we can move out of a place of fear and into a place of love.
Posted by
Anonymous |
9:49 AM
maybe before critisizing other people's language challenges, you should learn how to spell...
there are some grammar and spelling problems in the "about me" section and the blog posting itself - you could probably attend the class to if you asked nicely.
Posted by
Anonymous |
11:01 AM
Mark and Anonymous,
Mark some very nice sentiments and work you have accomplished. Truely you seem to be there for those who want to learn and a love of educating people. Anonymous, so what. Ever here of ebonics .... you don't have to spell correctly just as long as it ends up sounding right.
Niether one of you did answer the main question however. WHO IS PAYING FOR THIS? Is public tax money going to fund this extracuricular activity? This is the question.
Posted by
Devious Mind |
2:37 PM