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Monday, August 24, 2009 

John Durham: political lackey in a political witch hunt

So Attorney General Eric H. Holder Jr. has decided that it is important to forgo prosecution of thugs who intimidate voters and look into the actions of those who are doing all they can to keep this country safe at night while not only we sleep safe. he to sleeps comfortably, dream filled nights of leftist sugar plum fairy, Rahm Emmanuel dancing across the Constitution.

John Durham, who is a career Justice Department prosecutor from Connecticut. Will lead the inquiry into CIA interrogation techniques. Techniques which have more then likely saved many of the bureaucrats backsides in Washington D.C. Techniques by the way, which have not been employed against terrorism suspects for four years or more. A political misdirection from Obama care, perhaps.

Holder's decision to open this faux investigation, comes on the same day that the Obama administration will issue a 2004 report by the then-CIA Inspector General. Report in which the IG questioned the effectiveness of harsh interrogation tactics that included simulated drowning and wall slamming. In New York, a federal Judge forced the administration to release this secret report after a lawsuit from the American Civil Liberties Union was filed. A lawsuit that in itself is questionable as to the basis of it.

Deputy White House press secretary Bill Burton told reporters, I am sorry. Deputy press secretary Bill Burton spun the story to reporters that Holder's decision could complicate the Justice Department's relationship with the White House, where President Obama has repeatedly expressed a desire to move forward from the national security controversies of the Bush administration. Leaving out or omitting the fact that Obama needs the former Bush administration to take the heat off his failing health care fiasco.

The bottom line in all this is this. Holder with direction from the don of Chicago, Rahm Emmanuel. Is doing the dirty work for President Obama. Keeping the president out of the muck and betrayal of those who would protect this country. All in the lefts push to embarrass and dismantle Americas security.

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  • I'm Devious Mind
  • From Denver, Colorado, United States
  • Good judgemnt comes from experiance. Experiance comes from bad judgement. Karma, its a bitch.
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