Obama mama and the Wimps
Sounds like a bubblegum band doesnt it? Obama mama and the wimps. Well it is not a bubblegum group but could be considered one hit wonders. Lead singer at the moment is Nancy Pelosi, with Ted "drunk again" Kennedy and the dems as back up. Comments like the one "We're not going to baby sit a civil war," Sen. Barack Obama, D-Ill., told NBC's "Today" Show. He said the Democratic-controlled Congress would not undercut troops already in Iraq but would explore ways to restrict the president from expanding the mission. This rates up there with we were for it before we were against it logic, or we support the troops but not the war. You can not have it both ways.
If the troops need reinfocements then there has to be more troops sent in. These belly achers already have said we need more troops less then 6 months ago. This was their cry against President Bush. Now they do a 180 and refuse to send troops or the funding for increased military pressure on the terorists.
We really need to consider just whos side are they on. Are they for the American citizen and protecting this country, or as Pelosi is demonsatrating with her lack of charecter appointees that they do not care about the voter or more specificlly this Country.
Obama clearly states that congress will not baby sit, well this is exactly what they are doing. Their socalled oversight is hampering the effort more then the actual enemy. By pretending to be concerned like they are. They are in actuality doing what they claim not to want to do. Thats micro manage and stiffle our military.
What , again needs to be done is simple. Get the politicians out of the war and let the military do thier job with out babysitters.
If the troops need reinfocements then there has to be more troops sent in. These belly achers already have said we need more troops less then 6 months ago. This was their cry against President Bush. Now they do a 180 and refuse to send troops or the funding for increased military pressure on the terorists.
We really need to consider just whos side are they on. Are they for the American citizen and protecting this country, or as Pelosi is demonsatrating with her lack of charecter appointees that they do not care about the voter or more specificlly this Country.
Obama clearly states that congress will not baby sit, well this is exactly what they are doing. Their socalled oversight is hampering the effort more then the actual enemy. By pretending to be concerned like they are. They are in actuality doing what they claim not to want to do. Thats micro manage and stiffle our military.
What , again needs to be done is simple. Get the politicians out of the war and let the military do thier job with out babysitters.
www.betyourmamaonobama.com for a collection of Obama fun and facts.
Posted by
Anonymous |
9:10 PM