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Wednesday, May 14, 2008 

Denver shows mismanagment for DNC

What another blunder by our plunderiung Democrats here in state. From Gov. Ritter on down to Hickenlooper.

The official word is that there is nothing to worry about at the upcoming DNC. However with the latest news story coming out about the spenditures there seems to be a lot to worry about.

Is this the change and hope the Dems are trying to persude us the voter that they will bring forth if elected. More mismanaged funds, and reckless spending?

The Denver city council is worried about finaces in support of the DNC showcase of ideological propaganda that will visit this mile high city. Where will the funds come from asked Charlie Brown a city council member.

Well the majority of the funds are supposed to be from the feds in a 50 million dollar grant to help cover expenses. However with recreate 68 making thinly vieled threats, and other subversive anarchy groups coming to town. Security seems to be a high on the priority list.

As the ACLU ( American Communist Liberation Unit) waste tax dollars by filing bogus lawsuits against the Secret Security and Denver. Money will have to be allocated to defending plans that are sensible in limiting the protestors to a civil venue.

But the real waste appears to be in the highering of a security expert. Now the real waste is that Denver has some exceptional personal that could do a much better job at a less cost.

Whats the cost you ask? Denver is paying $225 an hour - or $9,000 a week - to Ellis M. Stanley Sr. According to Sue Cobb, spokeswoman for Mayor John Hickenlooper, the city is renting Mr. Stanley an apartment as well. A cost of $2,250 a month.

Kelly Brough, Hickenlooper's chief of staff. Makes the uniformed and uneducated statement that There are very few people who have the "experience in local government with events of this magnitude". The only part of this that is true is the current people in office not being trained to handle this. However Denver itself is full of security proffesionals that could handle the security job much cheaper. Probaly more efficiet as well.

A question that remains unanswered is if Denver is spending this type of money for outsiders essentially to come in. Our they setting aside any funds for the massive amounts of overtime that DPD wil rack up implementing whatever procedures are made.

The answer to that is more then likely a no. As the elected officials we have would rather wait till the last minute and ask for aid, or then rob the citizens of funds to pay for a convdetion they wanted.

At 225 an hour, expenses paid, and more perks for Stanley, who will account for it and who will really pay for it?

As the city goes about making itself over. Trying to clean itself up so that it will look pretty and not the normal Denver we know on a daily basis. Will part of the 50 million be given to the sanitation department for clean up. The protests are sure to leave their trasj all over the streets and sidewalks, (remember they are the greenie weenies). The extra crowds of delegates running to and from parties clogging the streets and local transportation. Are the taxi drivers going to be subsidesed for their services.

Yes there are proposals for this.

DNC = waste of Denver Money, taxpayer money, and time.

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  • I'm Devious Mind
  • From Denver, Colorado, United States
  • Good judgemnt comes from experiance. Experiance comes from bad judgement. Karma, its a bitch.
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