Why Obama's Amnesty ?
Many are pushing theories around that it is a move to get more democratic party voters for future elections. This may be a minor reason as to the push to legalise all these ILLEGAL ALIENS. However if you take a closer look at the plan and what it is asking of these law breakers the answer is much simpler.
As with so much of Washington D.C. it boils down to money. This is the main reason for the push that is to come. If they legalise all these under the table and illegal workers they can get their greedy hands on more money.
The treasonous Sec. of Homeland Defense, Janet "open boarders" Napolitono, has laid out the pathway. Her claims of it will be a harder more stricter road are a miss truth. Yes the road will be harder because it will be more expensive for immigrants. A fine, back taxes, new fees, and new taxes are the real reason for this push. If the under rated number of only 12 million illegals is true, then the revenue will be in the high 100's of millions in monies to be collected.
This is a must for this current administration and the other powers of oppression in Congress. They must have more income to pay for their health care scam being forced upon this nation. Without these funds this country has no chance of seeing any light at the end of this debt tunnel that is turning into a shaft spiraling downward.
Do not be fooled by any sort of compassion from these corruptocrats. It is all about power and money for them.
As with so much of Washington D.C. it boils down to money. This is the main reason for the push that is to come. If they legalise all these under the table and illegal workers they can get their greedy hands on more money.
The treasonous Sec. of Homeland Defense, Janet "open boarders" Napolitono, has laid out the pathway. Her claims of it will be a harder more stricter road are a miss truth. Yes the road will be harder because it will be more expensive for immigrants. A fine, back taxes, new fees, and new taxes are the real reason for this push. If the under rated number of only 12 million illegals is true, then the revenue will be in the high 100's of millions in monies to be collected.
This is a must for this current administration and the other powers of oppression in Congress. They must have more income to pay for their health care scam being forced upon this nation. Without these funds this country has no chance of seeing any light at the end of this debt tunnel that is turning into a shaft spiraling downward.
Do not be fooled by any sort of compassion from these corruptocrats. It is all about power and money for them.
In the future this data base could be established at airport terminals for departures and arrivals. It will be an ongoing fight against the opponents such as US chamber of Commerce, ACLU, Council of Foreign Relations, business organizations, agriculture and other groups. It is certain to be a bargaining chip in shoving through another Comprehensive Immigration Reform package, that will devastate America. An overflow of poor, uneducated humanity, looking for free health care will start pouring into our nation. Around the world rumors are already flying that if you slip across the sieve of a border, you can get work as low income and get all your taxes back by lying on the tax form. Tax credits for non-existent supported children is an industry, that costs the US taxpayer billions a year. If Napolitano thinks that --ALL--Democrats will accept another trillion dollar budget deficit, cause by a new BLANKET AMNESTY.
That bridge is still available in Brooklyn..? Very few Republicans will accept another AMNESTY? Not too much chance from Independents. Nor will legal immigrants or ethnic Americans who were born here, fought in four wars. Even people from South of the border are very reticent of allowing more people in, when there is 15 million unemployed. It means millions of low skilled workers would feel the crunch first, as already illegal immigrants who take their wages under the table, especially in Sanctuary States and undermine US labor?
I know quite a few Democrats who signed onto the Obama Presidency that will fight against any travesty called Comprehensive Immigration Reform? The one in 1986 was a complete disaster and unable to handle the sudden in surge of millions of more destitute people, thinking they were going to collect welfare? Our country is overrun with every conceivable crime, that includes murder, child and female violation, document fraud, transporting of illegal aliens, welfare fraud, house invasion, burglary, robbery, spousal abuse, gangs and other heinous activities The biggest scourge is drunken driving, which is killing and maiming citizens and residents on the highways and streets in rampant numbers. Go to THE DARK SIDE OF ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION site for statistics. The doors to America are wide open, but nobody in their right mind is going to accept the first surge of 2-3 million coming from the South when they hear Lady Napolitano proclaiming a new AMNESTY? Those who believe in America’s survival, without OVERPOPULATION as stated by the US Census bureau better read facts, not the lies at NUMBERSUSA. Those who want details of corruption in WASHINGTON and state government go to JUDICIAL WATCH. Overpopulation, traffic hell should go to CAPSWEB. Other sites of interest on Immigration enforcement is ALIPAC and AMERICAN PATROL. We the people have the ultimate power to throw out anti-sovereignty incumbent politicians. Call and command these do-nothings to--STOP--this facade at 202-224-3121.
Posted by Brittanicus | 12:36 PM