Is the White House paranoid?

Is President Obama and his minions in office paranoid, or just doing their best to stigmatise anyone who would politically and ideologically oppose them.
The current 9 page DHS report has absolutely no specifics but innuendo on those who may be conservative in thought and fiscal responsibility. It specifically states a fear of those who past and presently serve in the military.
"Returning veterans possess combat skills and experience that are attractive to right-wing extremists," it says. "DHS/I&A is concerned that right-wing extremists will attempt to recruit and radicalize veterans in order to boost their violent capacities."
To even suggest that honored members of the military would stage, invite, or plan an all out military coup of the government is insulting and shows their disdain and disrespect for those who wear and have worn the uniform. The fact that many who are out of service still hold the oath taken to "defend the Constitution from both enemies domestic and foreign". While those still on active service take this oath very serious.
Although if one were to crunch numbers and play odds there may be one in a couple of thousand who harbours the thought of removing Obama from office with force. It does not mean that all members are this way. In fact the conclusion after calling many who wear the uniform and talking to them about their feelings. They seem to want to be more active politically and will exercises their right to vote.
It would seem that with each new day under the left leaning power hungry administration, we are inundated with more and more reports that show a tendency to a mass paranoia out of Washington. A false sense that they are in jeopardy of being violently removed from office.
Is their own guilty feelings of being part of a culture of corruption getting to them? Are they so afraid that their lack of leadership and backroom dealings will lead to the truth of their corruption being found out by the masses that they are trying to deceive?
For those who love the Constitution and their freedoms and rights granted under the Bill of Rights. You need to pay attention to the bunk that these jokers are trying to push.