The Hate and "Better Then Thou" left
So much going on and so much to comment on. Where to start and what to comment on. So let us just make a few observations on the hateful left and how they refuse to live within their means, the UNIONS!
The teachers union is so full of incompetent , egotistical, social leftists that it is amazing that they even consider themselves average, or on a par with the working American. Look at what they are doing to this country. First of all they complain when they are criticised for the lack of educating the youth of this country. For the last twenty years this country has slipped and free fallen down the educational ladder and we are no longer considered a home for intelligence (the election of a fraud not included).
Second the vile language that is being used by so called educated people. Foul language an name calling is the last refuge for the uneducated who cannot argue on the facts. This is what the Teachers in Wisconsin are doing. Prime examples of this are on their signs that they are holding. Then the fact that they are caught using such language on film to children. Lucky my kids are not there or else several teachers would be in the back of the wood shed learning manners.
President Obummer has asked this country to live within their means. So when these teachers are asked to contribute 2 1/2 percent more on their retirement and another 5 1/5 percent contribution on their health care they go on the verge of rioting.
How dare they have to live without entitlements. The world is going to end. With an above average by close to twenty thousand a year more then the average worker in Wisconsin. These self righteous pricks walk off their jobs and demand that not only will they not contribute more but should have more paid for by those who make less.
President Obama supports this attitude of arrogance. Not only has he commented that these unions need more but has provided more to the unions then any other president in history. Overseeing a massive payoff of monies that legally should have gone to stock and share holders but was diverted to union thugs in the auto industry at General Motors. It is amazing that the economy is even moving at all.
The vile hate coming from the left is a one way street. If anyone disagrees with the left and their social agenda then you are labeled, smeared and even assaulted physically. However if you are on the left and want to go after anyone with common sense then you are heralded as a social hero of some warped kind.
The evidence that the left does not , nor has ever cared about anyone other then themselves is on display for all to see right now. This should be looked at hard and shown to all. Reminders must and will be replayed before elections. It is time to clean this country up from the dump the left is creating and the cesspool the left wishes to achieve.
The teachers union is so full of incompetent , egotistical, social leftists that it is amazing that they even consider themselves average, or on a par with the working American. Look at what they are doing to this country. First of all they complain when they are criticised for the lack of educating the youth of this country. For the last twenty years this country has slipped and free fallen down the educational ladder and we are no longer considered a home for intelligence (the election of a fraud not included).
Second the vile language that is being used by so called educated people. Foul language an name calling is the last refuge for the uneducated who cannot argue on the facts. This is what the Teachers in Wisconsin are doing. Prime examples of this are on their signs that they are holding. Then the fact that they are caught using such language on film to children. Lucky my kids are not there or else several teachers would be in the back of the wood shed learning manners.
President Obummer has asked this country to live within their means. So when these teachers are asked to contribute 2 1/2 percent more on their retirement and another 5 1/5 percent contribution on their health care they go on the verge of rioting.
How dare they have to live without entitlements. The world is going to end. With an above average by close to twenty thousand a year more then the average worker in Wisconsin. These self righteous pricks walk off their jobs and demand that not only will they not contribute more but should have more paid for by those who make less.
President Obama supports this attitude of arrogance. Not only has he commented that these unions need more but has provided more to the unions then any other president in history. Overseeing a massive payoff of monies that legally should have gone to stock and share holders but was diverted to union thugs in the auto industry at General Motors. It is amazing that the economy is even moving at all.
The vile hate coming from the left is a one way street. If anyone disagrees with the left and their social agenda then you are labeled, smeared and even assaulted physically. However if you are on the left and want to go after anyone with common sense then you are heralded as a social hero of some warped kind.
The evidence that the left does not , nor has ever cared about anyone other then themselves is on display for all to see right now. This should be looked at hard and shown to all. Reminders must and will be replayed before elections. It is time to clean this country up from the dump the left is creating and the cesspool the left wishes to achieve.
"President Obummer has asked this country to live within their means. So when these teachers are asked to contribute 2 1/2 percent more on their retirement and another 5 1/5 percent contribution on their health care they go on the verge of rioting."
Makes you wonder why the Republicans insisted that the richest get Bush's tax cuts extended--everyone should contribute not just the middleclass and the working poor, agreed? And please, don't spew the tired 'ol "trickle-down" b.s.
"It is time to clean this country up from the dump the left is creating and the cesspool the left wishes to achieve."
You seems confused--it was Bush who ran this country in a ditch having started out with a surplus from the Clinton administration. Remember the war in Iraq costing taxpayers trillion and trillions and let's not forget how Bush/Cheney lied about WMD so that they could preemptively strike the sovereign nation of Iraq--and now American taxpayers have to pay for this war.
"vile language that is being used by so called educated people"
"self righteous pricks"
"so called educated people" would that be you? ;)
Posted by
Anonymous |
3:06 AM
Here we go again trying to blame the Bush administeration for the Democratic spending spree that Speaker of the House Pelosi and majority Leader Harr Reid took this nation on. To try and throw in war spending on a blown budget and say it was the war that caused this economic crisis is absurd.
Was the housing bubble created by the war as well? No it was brought on by piss poor economic policy that Congress forced onto the banks.
As for my comments ... "cesspool" . You damn right this country is becoming a cesspool. The dumbing down of the population by a propagandic education system. A break down in society overall. Top repsond to the education comment. Hey I went to public school. I have never claimed to be one of the elite educated like the left does and presumably you do.
Posted by
Devious Mind |
5:43 PM