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Tuesday, June 02, 2009 

Where is the OUTRAGE Obama?

Where is the condemnation and outrage at the murder and attempted murder of two American Soldiers in Arkansas? Tell me Mr. wannabe President Obambi?

Why are you silent on this?

Why have you not spoken out about this man, Abdul Hakim Mujahid Muhammad, AKA Carlos Bledsoe, not representing your religion of peace Obama.

I am very upset and hacked off that this jack-n-apes in the White House is silent a s a church mouse when some jihadist schmuck does something. Or a convert to this mythical religion of peace acts out their hatred for all that is good in the world. You would think that the progressive liberals would be in an uproar at the Muslim acts of intolerance. Instead they are mute.

With the way the NAGS and other organizations speak out on human , civil, and female rights. They would be first in line to condemn then oppression of Islamic beliefs. However they are just as bad as the Islamists. By their silence, they are saying go ahead and continue the oppression.

Obama , as President, should have already publicly sent his condolences to the families of the victims, and he should have already in a loud clear voice. He should have condemned this punk. If Obama thinks that Islam is a religion of peace then this domestic TERRORIST does not represent Obama's friends in Islam.

Next the MSM is another silent co conspirator in this befriending our enemies. Instead of stating the truth about this shooting . They are white washing it into a domestic violence attack of religious differences. In other words just another shooting in America.

All this is sickening and disgusting. This wannabe jihadist needs to be publicly executed and left to rot on a pike with an Internet video feed running 24/7 showing him turning ripe. This way those who want to kill us will see what should happen to them if they attack us.

Will any of this happen? No it won't. Why, because Obambi is sympathetic to those who hate America and he will not speak out against them.

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  • I'm Devious Mind
  • From Denver, Colorado, United States
  • Good judgemnt comes from experiance. Experiance comes from bad judgement. Karma, its a bitch.
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